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A (l) According to the time table, the train for London C. leaves at seven oclock in the evening. (4)??After?the?synthetic_?A.?had?been?developed ,?engineers?had?a?better?choice?for?materials?for?construction. (5)??After?being?tested?in?many?ways,?this?newly-designed?machine?will ?C.?be?put?into?use? ?in?the?near?future. (7) At about the same time, doctors began to understand_ C. that dirt and disease went ___ together. (8)_ BThe driver seeing ___ a bomb on the road, the car was stopped. A. Having seen (3) _ B. There existed ___ a certain doubt among the students as to the necessity of the work. (8) A fence needs the support of three stakes,_ B. doesnt it ___ ? (14) Although __ A. what ___happened in that developed country sounds like science fiction, it could occur elsewhere in the world. B (11) By 2000, the university _ C. will have trained ___ 20000 postgraduates. (14) Before long, she_ B will forget _all about the matter. (5) __ C. Surrounded __ by the police, the kidnappers had no choice but to surrender. (5) Bobs work proved _ A. not much better ___ than that of others. (14) Besides_ D. mastering ___ the technology of designed ships, he also learned how to build them. 8. But for the rain, we__ A. would have __ our destination before 5 yesterday. 9. But that he _. A. had seen ___ it, he could not have believed it (3) A. Do be careful in making such experiments. C D E G (4) Come here a moment, _ A will you ___ ? (11) Commercial banks make the most of their income from interest_ B. earned ___ on Ioans and investments in stocks. (8) Can we do our work better with __ B. less...fewer ___money and _____ people? (3) Darwin proved that natural selection _ D. is ___ the chief factor in the development of species. (3) Do you know the exact time __ B. when ___the meeting will begin? (2) Dont eat that fruit __ A. unless _ it is ripe (10) Dennis said no one was qualified for the job,_ B didnt he ____ ? (6) Everything seems a


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