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decrease, lessen,reduce, dwindle, diminish, subside These verbs mean to become or cause to become smaller or less. 这些动词的意义为变得或使…变得小或少。 Decrease and lessen, interchangeable in most contexts, refer to steady or gradual diminution: Decrease 和 lessen 在大多数上下文中可互换, 指稳定或逐步的减少: Traffic decreases on holidays. 节假日行人车辆减少了。 Lack of success decreases confidence. 失败使信心渐减。 Use your seat belt to lessen the danger of injury in an accident. 系上座椅安全带,减少交通事故中受伤的危险。 His appetite lessens as his illness progresses. 随着病情的加重,他的食欲下降了。 Reduce emphasizes bringing down, as in size, degree, or intensity: Reduce 强调在大小、程度或强度方面下降或减少: The workers reduced their wage demands. 工人们降低了他们在工资方面的要求。 Dwindle suggests decreasing bit by bit to a vanishing point: Dwindle 含有一点一点减少直到消失的意思: Their savings dwindled away. 他们的积蓄一点点地消耗殆尽了。 Abate stresses a decrease in amount or intensity and suggests a reduction of excess: Diminish implies taking away or removal: Diminish 含有拿走或除去的意思: An occasional outburst didnt diminish my respect for her. 偶尔的一次发火并未减少我对她的尊敬。 The wardens authority diminished after the revolt. 典狱长的权威在动乱后下降了。 Subside implies a falling away to a more normal level: Subside 含有降到一个更正常的水平的意思: The wild enthusiasm the teams victory aroused did not subside. 那支球队的胜利所激起的狂热之情没有消退 Language Work I Chuckle and grin Chuckle: laugh quietly or inwardly Grin: smile broadly, especially in an unrestrained manner and with the mouth open · 咧嘴笑,露齿而笑 * *


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