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Unit 3 My First Job Robert Best Trying to make some money before entering university, the author applies for a teaching job. But the interview goes from bad to worse. Unit 3 My First Job Useful expressions Text interpretation Word family Sentence structure Translation Reading skill Guided writing Homework Useful expressions 涂化妆品 申请一份工作 参加面试 广告公司 南京郊区 很小的机会 不灵活的跳舞者 萧条地区 Useful expressions 长满皱纹的额头 反对抽烟 解开鞋带 老掉牙的笑话 点滴知识 出生证 致命伤 依恋,喜欢 Useful expressions 山脉 称职的干部 在某人有空时 年薪 最后一根稻草 未来的工程师 最终目标 有失尊严 Text interpretation Warm-up questions What kind of job do you want to have after graduation? What kind of person do you want to have as your future boss? When did you earn your first sum of money? Text interpretation Answer the questions Speaking Activity 3 on p.58 What type is the text? A. narration B. exposition C. description D. argumentation Text interpretation Main idea This text tells us about a high school graduate’s first experience of looking for a job. This story is generally organized in order of . A. time/sequence B. space C. logic How would you organize a text of this type? See Part Division (coming soon) Text interpretation Try to summarize each paragraph: I applied for a teaching post (the reasons). I went for an interview (a long way to Croydon). The school came into sight (external description). The headmaster showed up (his appearance). I was interviewed (internal description). He introduced the teaching set-up (time, subject, etc). The teaching set-up filled me with fear (reasons). I mentioned the salary (the real boss mentioned). I detested working under a woman (interview over). Part division Word family Applied, applicant, appliance, application, applicant, re-pre-over-interview, advertising, global, native, downtown, urban, slender, slight, bony, embarrassing, depressing, bush, perfume, beard, approve of, groan, murmur, rotten tomatoes, addled eggs, rancid butter, sour milk, attachment, evident, composed o


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