Summative assessment of Unit 1 -5.doc

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Summative assessment of Unit 1 – 5 Listen and choose the best answer. 1. What is true of the Harry Potter books? A) They sell well. B) They have won awards. C) Readers are eager to know what happens in the next book. D) All of the above. 2. How many books of the series appeared before Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets? A) Two. B) Three. C) Four. D) Five. 3. Why are readers guessing wildly about the next book? A) Because they have waited eagerly for a long time. B) Because Professor Lupin will die soon. C) Because Ron is a relative of Harrys. D) Because the next book will be better than the previous ones. 4. What does the author say about her new book? A)She says Harry will be safe with her. B) She refuses to disclose much information about it. C) It will be shorter and less frightening. D) The rumors may turn out to be true. Listen and complete The Harry Potter books rapidly became one of the most (1)____________ book series among young readers and have (2)__________ large sums of money. Movies based on the books won several Oscar nominations. Readers are now (3)_________ to know the plot of the next book. Harry Potter movie fans will get a long-awaited (4)__________. The movie Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is finally about to (5)_____________. This time around, Harry discovers a frightening secret at Hogwarts School. (6) ___________ readers of the first four Harry Potter books are also trying to discover a secret, the secret plot of the fifth book in the series. Because of the long (7)_________ since Book Four, they are guessing many things. Some think that Professor Lupin will die or that Harry and his friend Ron may be related! J. K. Rowling herself has only said that Book Five will be shorter and (8)_________ than Book Four. To make sure her readers hear only rumors, she (9)_________ all her ideas for the books in a hidden place. Since the next book does not come out until 2003, for now Harrys secret is (10)________ with her! Listen a


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