Book2 Unit3 reading.ppt

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学案之星 1. 普遍的,宇宙的 2. 简化V. 3. 操作员,接线员 4. 人造的,假的 adj. 5. 应用,用途 6. 解决,解答 7. 真实,现实 n. 8. 私人的,个人的 9.从…时起 10. 结果 11. 如此 … 以至于… 12. 有共同之处,共用 13. 高质量的 1.universal 2. simplify 3.operator 4. artificial 5.application 6. solve 7. reality 8. personal 9. from then on a result …. that… 12. have sth in common 13. of high quality Learning aims: 1.To understand the whole passage and know the development of computers. 2. Try to retell the text according to key words 3. Attend our class with great passion and enjoy English learning 1642:The computer began as a calculating machine. 1822: The analytical machine was made by Charles Babbage. 1936: The computer grew rapidly both in size and in brainpower. 1940s: The computer had grown as large as a room. 1960s: The first family of computers was connected to each other. 1970s: Computers were used in offices and homes. Now: Computers connect people all over the world together. Further- reading 要求: (1)默读课文,整体理解文章,完成1,2题 (2) 针对疑难问题小组讨论,合作探究,准备展示。 精彩展示: G1---T1 G2---T2 para.1 G3---T2 para.2 G4---T2 para.3 G5---Translation 1 G6---Translation 2 G7---Translation 3 III Translate and analyze the following sentences. 1 I developed very slowly and it took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage. Requirement: (1)Pay attention to the pronunciation (2)To understand the text carefully Retelling(10’) Now, it’s our retelling time to practise our oral English. Use your spoken English to conquer others. 用自己的口语征服别人。 * Passion comes first! 激情第一! Unit3 computers 差的 小组 好的 个人 课前预习 Phrases 1.have something in common 2. from then on 3. over time / as time goes by, 4. as a result 5. so …that 6. share sth with sb 7. as well as 8. of high quality 9. human race abacus huge computer calculator Look at the following pictures and say their English names PC (Personal computer) laptop P


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