Book 2 Unit 3(10.12).ppt

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她对他所说的确实感到吃惊。 She was genuinely surprised about what he said. The government’s new higher taxes are genuinely beginning to bite. 政府提高税收的新措施真正地开始引起不满了。 5. genuinely (Line 8, Para. 2) adv. sincerely, truly, honestly 真诚地;确实,真正地 形容词形式:genuine adj. real, not false; sincere; frank 1)真的,名副其实的; 2)真诚的,真实的 那件夹克是用真皮制成的。 That jacket is made of genuine leather. 他真诚的演讲感动了所有的听众。 His genuine speaking touched all the listeners. genuine gold/friend/support/painting 真正的······ genuine passion / affection / pride / desire / hatred / love / regret / enthusiasm 真实的······ 6. capacity (Line 12, Para. 3) n. 1) the ability to do a particular thing 能力,才智 她的接受能力很强。 She has a mind of great capacity. He is a man with a prodigious (大得惊人) capacity of alcohol. 他是个酒量很大的人。 那本英文原版小说远远超过了那些非英语专业学生的(理解)能力。 That original novel in English is far beyond the capacity of those non-English major students. 2) the amount that something can hold or contain 容量,容积,容纳力 The assembly hall was filled to capacity. That multimedia classroom . 那间多媒体教室能够容纳100名学生(同时上课)。 大会堂里挤满了人。 has a seating capacity of 100 students 7. capability (Line 4, Para. 1) n. the fact or quality of being able to do something 能力,才能 ability, capability与capacity ability 指某一方面的才能,后通常接不定式。 e.g. That boy has the ability to write novels. 那个男孩有写小说的能力。 capability 着重强调人的才干,其后可与of/for doing 连 用。复数形式 capabilities表示潜在的能力或尚未开发出来 的能力。 e.g. As an excellent table tennis player, Chinese Wang Hao has the capability of winning the gold medal in the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. 作为一名优秀的乒乓球运动员,中国的王皓有能力在2008年 北京奥运会上夺取金牌。 capacity 常指学习、理解能力或较全面的才能,其后可接to do / of doing / for doing。 e.g. I appreciated his capacity of/for making friends. 我欣赏他的交友能力。 请选择 ability, capability,capacity的适当形式填空。 That kid shows an unbelievable _________ for learning chemistry. I believe you have the ________ to finish the task. Tha


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