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JIU JIANG UNIVERSITY 毕 业 论 文 题 目 长江流域翘嘴鲌体形几何形态学研究 英文题目 The Yangtze River basin shape geometry of Culter 院 系 药学与生命科学学院 专 业 生物科学 姓 名 梁其欢 年 级 2011级 指导教师 张小谷 二零一五年五月 摘 要 本研究所采用的翘嘴鲌鱼体材料,运用几何形态学方法,采用TpsDig2软件标记每个翘嘴鲌标本的16个特征点,收集各个特征点的特征值,用SPSS统计学软件进行行判别函数分析和聚类分析,比较翘嘴鲌(Culter alburnus)7个不同群体间的形态差异。结果表明,以判别分析建立的判别函数, 对7个不同群体的综合判别率为96.6%。分析结果显示,几何形态测量分析法对7 个不同群体翘嘴鲌进行判别函数分析是可以区分的,典型判别函数散点表明不同地理区域其几何形态的差异明显。以聚类分析结果表明,7个不同翘嘴鲌群体可分为三支, 丹江口水库、无锡养殖、无锡太湖和四川乐山岷江四个群体形态最为接近, 首先聚为一支, 都昌新妙湖和重庆大洪湖聚为另一支, 而都昌新妙湖和重庆大洪湖群体则相对独立为一支。三个分支中都昌新妙湖和重庆大洪湖群体与其他群体的亲缘关系相对较远。在不同区域的翘嘴鲌群体,有一定的几何形态差异。从2种分析方法中, 判别分析的鉴别效果最好。从网格图上,我们可以了解7个不同群体翘嘴鲌的各个部位的体形特征情况。 关键字:翘嘴鲌;体形;几何形态学 Abstract TpsDig2 software to mark each of Culter alburnus specimens of 16 feature points by the topmouth culter fish body materials, using the method of geometric morphology and collected each feature point feature value, using SPSS statistical software for discriminant function analysis and clustering analysis, more Alice mouth culter Culter alburnus 7 different groups of morphological differences. The results show that, in order to determine discriminant analysis, 7 different groups of the total discriminant accuracy was 96.6%. The results show that the geometric morphometric analysis method of seven populations of the topmouth Culter alburnus of discriminant function analysis can distinguish the canonical discriminant function scatter showed significant difference in different geographic regions of the geometry. The clustering analysis results show that seven different Culter alburnus groups can be divided into three branches, Danjiangkou reservoir, cultured in Wuxi, Wuxi Taihu Lake and Leshan, Sichuan Minjiang four group form is close to that of the first poly A, Duchang wonderful new lake and Chongqing Honghu clustered into another branch,



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