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国 际 贸 易 结 算 汇付(Remittance) 托收(Collection) 信用证(Letter of Credit) 国际保理(International Factoring) Article 6 Revocable v. Irrevocable Credits (a) A Credit may be either (i) revocable, or (ii) irrevocable. (b) The Credit, therefore, should clearly indicate whether it is revocable or irrevocable. (c) In the absence of such indication the Credit shall be deemed to be irrevocable. (3)、即期信用证与远期信用证 (sight L/C; usance L/C) 即期信用证是指出口商可以开立以开证行为付款人的即期汇票的信用证。远期信用证是指出口商开立远期汇票的信用证。开立即期汇票还是远期汇票由信用证规定。 (4)、可转让信用证与不可转让信用证 (transferable L/C; non-transferable L/C) 可转让信用证是指受益人可以要求出口地银行,将信用证的全部或部分权利转让给他人的信用证。 不可转让信用证是指受益人不能将信用证的权利转让给他人的信用证。凡信用证中未注明“可转让”(transferable)的,即为不可转让信用证。 (5)、保兑信用证与非保兑信用证 (confirmed L/C; unconfirmed L/C) 由开证行外的另一家银行对不可撤消信用证加具保兑、对保兑信用证承担独立于开证行的付款承诺的信用证。保兑行一般是受益人所在地银行,受益人先向保兑行交单结汇。 (6)、备用信用证(stand-by L/C) 备用信用证是开证行应开证申请人的请求开立的,保证在申请人未履行其应履行的义务时,向受益人支付一定款项的凭证。备用信用证是银行信用,是开证申请人毁约时受益人取得补偿的一种方式。 (7)、背对背信用证 /抵押信用证/从属信用证(back to back credit) 以先开立的信用证做抵押开立另一个信用证。有时信用证不允许转让,有时实际供应商不接受买方国家开出的信用证,这时出口商可用以其为受益人的信用证为抵押,要求付款行开立以实际供货商为受益人的信用证。 Exercises: 在国际贸易合同中卖方收到的信用证中写明的下列内容,是哪一类信用证? 1、We (Issuing bank) hereby engage with drawers, endorsers and bona-fide holders of draft(s) drawn under and in compliance with the terms of the credit that such draft(s) Shall be dully honoured on due presentation and delivery of documents as specified. 问:Clean L/C or Documentary L/C? 2、We undertake to honor your drafts drawn and negotiation has been made prior to receipt by your notice of cancellation. 3、We have been requested to add confirmation to this credit and we hereby undertake to honor all drafts drawn in accordance with the terms of the credit. 4、We hereby issue this Irrevocable Documentary Credit in your favour which is available by negotiation of your draft at sight drawn on Issuing Bank. 5、Available by your draft at 90 days sight drawn on Issuing Bank, discount charges acceptance commission a


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