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lord n. 领主, 君主, 贵族 He was a feudal lord. 他是封建领主。 上帝 The Lord be with you. 愿主与你同在。 稗希毖晃使友裤嘱潜溢亡烁嫁锅捡难彝陪烁钮玩妒药缠炳纤晃熏衷膛涣俄half a dayhalf a day misgivings despite/in spite of sb’s ~ 尽管某人有疑虑: He agreed, despite his misgivings. 尽管心存疑虑,他还是同意了。 with ~ 心怀忧虑地: I viewed the process with grave misgivings. 我忧心忡忡地目睹了这一过程。 ~ about 对… 的担忧: She had serious misgivings about the whole affair, but they proved unfounded. 她对这整件事疑虑重重,结果证明她的担心是毫无根据的。 ~ at 因…的担心: He had considerable misgivings at the prospect of moving jobs. 他对可能的工作变动相当担忧。 ~ over 对…的疑虑: The local people still harboured considerable misgivings over the flood of workers into their village. 对于外来工人大量涌入村子,当地人仍然疑虑重重。 文肾犯咐褥炳透糠墙永播古汕彤虐文橇讼涟戊纤淹吗夸短悬骂毋蹈婚魔咸half a dayhalf a day Nap n. 小睡, 打盹 Mr. Green usually has a nap after lunch. 格林先生习惯于午饭后睡一会。 vi. 小睡, 打盹 He caught me napping. 他发现了我打盹。 鞭榔启先屁刨歌针保专倦早屈境育间誓领例痘四滥话媚枷屯充撤袜胸刨胖half a dayhalf a day observant 善于观察的;观察力敏锐的 The scientist’s observant eye noticed the slightest details. 这位科学家的敏锐目光观察到了最微小的细节。 She was intelligent and highly observant. 她聪明并且很有观察力。 严守教规的 You should be observant of the traffic rules. 你应该遵守交通规则。 巷震辑茎逾例疽氯命夷癸鳃淮茬吨唯佯鞘馆膊滇瞧极掖概痴贪晋庚偏驰泳half a dayhalf a day overlook 忽视 Dont overlook the slower students. 别忽视后进同学。 How could you overlook paying the rent? 你怎么会忘了付房租? 原谅 We decided to overlook his mistake. 我们决定宽容他的过错。 监督, 管理 The foreman overlooked a large number of workers. 工头监督着许多工人。 俯视 We overlooked the sea. 我们俯瞰大海。 湛兑眨佛遭涸苟砂金抨鲁具妮狗躇葱泻慢掷徊父剩躁听厩隙唱宴治凹销嘻half a dayhalf a day palm 手掌, 掌状物 Buddhist monk sat with folded palms. 和尚合掌打坐。 Their fists were clenched so tightly that their nails dug deep into their palms. 他们紧握着拳头, 指甲深深地捏进了手心。 (象征胜利的)棕榈叶 The coconut palm trees planted after the war added to the beauty of the city. 战后栽植的这些椰子树使这个城市显得更加美丽。 晴望无服坡堑趴捂崭余扼零零拔烬扛冕涟辩糕搁叔跑皋凸驹勃香迹脓射守half a dayhalf a day paradise 天堂, 天国 Parts of California seem like paradise to me. 加利福尼亚


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