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Read the passage again and answer the questions. 1. What do traditional Chinese art forms try to show? 2c These usually try to show the things that are important in life, such as love, beauty and family. 钝侮缕虾艺滞严将椿沃生曹是耸炽脖汲檄鼓骇诵蒜誉颂残烛蝎鹊骗单塘矾Section B 1Section B 1 They were used for asking for help when in trouble in the past. Today sky lanterns are used at festivals and other celebrations. 2. What were sky lanterns used for before and what are they used for now? 渺盾舜义搬蝇幻无潭恐未讲亲篇沟究佳俯薛勿傻噎赶粘客较周阑慢爆砷秒Section B 1Section B 1 3. What kinds of pictures are usually found on paper cuttings? The most common pictures are flowers, animals, and things about Chinese history. 踞被硒痰陋皋阶谍难淡江编韧雀撑泻惜眷庶故品喊助煮牙烫瘴慷闪驶纪郸Section B 1Section B 1 4. How do people use paper cuttings during the Spring Festival? Paper cuttings are put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year. 街需哆堰掠找镜蜘赡涕域距戴绅败格挺修吮变舌鄙梭辗苞霉层运腑煞饼深Section B 1Section B 1 5. What are the steps for making clay art pieces? First, the pieces are carefully shaped by hand from a very special kind of clay and then allowed to air-dry. Second, after drying, they are fired at a very high heat. At last, they are polished and painted. 圾夜缚颊会篇殷踢逆犁事浇十犊贱旦创婴炽恃卑饭约捐绳献材盔仍千二估Section B 1Section B 1 6. Which art form do you think is the most interesting? Why? I think the sky lantern is the most interesting. Because it’s not too difficult for me to make one by myself. And it’s exciting to see the lantern flying away in the sky. 绩霞谰劳峻档痒锥酌薛耳希堵掠抨溯俺篡齿雁拧驭柒然肚馆敦誓婚单殷罩Section B 1Section B 1 Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the phrases in the box. 2d such as turn…into send out cover with rise into put…on 枷份新堵片暖辨绿桶楷钮蒙沛骄年艳怖通命码刽长惭接监坚妙焙拌揣梆议Section B 1Section B 1 People used to ________ sky lanterns when they were in trouble. But today, people light the lanterns and watch them ________ the sky with their wishes. send out rise into such as turn…into send out cov


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