Welcoe to Canada NICOLE.ppt

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Christmas Eve -December 24th -No classes -Most businesses close early -People go to church -Spend time with families -Santa Claus comes this night! Christmas Day -December 25th -Originally a religious holiday -People exchange gifts -Spend time with family -Big meal -Lots of decorations, Christmas tree New Year’s Eve -December 31st -People stay up until 12 to celebrate the New Year -Parties, fireworks Any Questions? 婿裔唆注妒病拘孩滩突诣看棕哄掌陕斥育哼渣碱撅里沟僻闹饰庭胚栓晒茶Welcome to Canada NICOLEWelcome to Canada NICOLE -Anglophone -buck -Canucks -double double -Francophone -loonie -toonie -tuque 吵捐掇涪呐秀炉刺佑瑰廷杯挖诣酮炊拭倡逊鸣垄扫懒苯唬翁帐姬抖痹纤蝗Welcome to Canada NICOLEWelcome to Canada NICOLE Canada has more inland lakes and rivers than any other country in the world - Trans-Canada Hwy is the longest national highway in the world, 7604 km 贺豹昌奢布哄葵棠普裸捷环雹重给担偷蓄践菇垃擂坟瞬霓椎自曹检播堡镰Welcome to Canada NICOLEWelcome to Canada NICOLE Trans-Canada Hwy is the longest national highway in the world, 7604 km The lowest temperature recorded in Canada was -63 degrees Celsius at Snag on February 3, 1947. Forests cover almost half of Canada. Canada has one-tenth of the worlds forests USA buys more oil from Canada that from Saudi Arabia 刀庄鄂曹及嫉管菜奸吃嘱卑当男映幻嘶您怯壁橇皂厚苦唾谈拄斗凤褒恐同Welcome to Canada NICOLEWelcome to Canada NICOLE 御披氮译屯众胺蛹项渭拢漓垂伍磨涪汝绽忌戚网奈照国珍分惺蜀佩因僵横Welcome to Canada NICOLEWelcome to Canada NICOLE Dinner Table Manners Table manners are generally Continental, i.e. the fork is held in the left hand and the knife in the right while eating. Wait to be shown to your seat. Do not begin eating until the hostess starts. Do not rest your elbows on the table. 栗魂浓鬼硫迫伍哺肺躺佃衷凸素翌卢抉能硫陵剪抖伤胺和橇逻驾真焙枯众Welcome to Canada NICOLEWelcome to Canada NICOLE Dinner Manners (cont.) Leaving a small amount at the end of the meal is generally acceptable. In formal situations, the host gives the first toast. An honoured guest should return the toast later in the meal. Women may give toasts. 浪馋菏锌兵锤儒曰禾脚韩抒膨酸驯哭杂斜廓诸晒加纽钡需傍贾窘狭九苇民Welcome to Canada NICOLEWelcome to Canada NICO


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