The Sawshank Redemption.ppt

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Classic Dialogues From The Shawshank Redemption Dialogue 1 (BP81, Clip 1) MAN #1: Sit. MAN #2: We see by your file youve served twenty years of a life sentence . RED: Yes, sir. MAN #3: You feel youve been rehabilitated ? RED: Yes, sir. Absolutely. Ive learned my lesson. I can honestly say Im a changed man. Im no longer a danger to society. Thats the Gods honest truth. CON #1: Hey, Red. Howd it go? RED: Same old shit, different day. CON #1: Yeah, I know how you feel. Im up for rejection next week. CON #2: Yeah, I got rejected last week. It happens. CON #3: Hey, Red, bump me a deck . RED: Get the fuck out of my face, man! Youre into me for five packs already. CON #3: Four. RED: Five! RED (V.O.): Theres must be a con like me in every prison in America. Im the guy who can get it for you. Cigarettes, a bag of reefer if thats your thing, a bottle of brandy to celebrate your kids high school graduation. Damn near anything within reason. Yes sir, Im a regular Sears Roebuck. RED: So when Andy Dufresne came to me in 1949 and asked me to smuggle Rita Hayworth into the prison for him, I told him no problem. 1. life sentence: 无期徒刑;终身监禁。《肖申克的救赎》是一部监狱题材的影片,所以牵扯到很多和犯罪相关的词语,在这个片段里我们还会看到一个单词:con.这是一种俚语 的说法,意思是“罪犯”。相当于convict. 此外对罪犯的终极惩罚通常就是死刑,而死刑一词的表达是death penalty, 我们把它放在这里和影片中出现的相关词汇一起掌握。 2. rehabilitate: 这个词的本意是“康复、修复”,在这个语境里,因为Red在申请假释,所以警察这句话不是问他“你觉得你已经康复了吗?”而是问他是否已经“改邪归正”。 3. Gods truth:意思是“真实的事情”,一般用来指说话人特别想强调的事实,比如It is Gods truth that my next door neighbor was a murderer at large!就是“我的隔壁住着一个在逃的杀人犯,这事儿千真万确!” 4. up for:打算;准备 Im up for rejection next week. 意思为“我已经做好了准备,下周申请假释的时候也被拒”。再如:The house is up for sale. 房子准备出售。be up for是一个很常用的词组,在口语中,为了避免句式单调,我们可以用这个词组替代be ready. 5. bump me a deck:这是非常俚语的讲法。bump这里的意思相当于lend,deck是指a pack of cigarettes。所以整句的意思就是“借我一盒烟”。监狱里的犯人常常用一种普通人听不懂的指代词语来谈论一些事情,这可以说是他们长年牢狱生活的 “创造”。 6. be into sb:这也是一个非常俚语的讲法。在这里的是borrow或者owe的意思。整句话的意思就是:You have already borrowed five packs from me. Dialogue 2 RED: And thats how it came to pass, that on the second-t


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