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高考英语完形填空技巧 一、完形填空常见体裁 (一)记叙文——情节性 故事性、情节性、理解较容易。明确六个要素:时间、 地点、人物、故事的发生、发展和结局。核心:故事的展 开。做题:明确事件内容、理清故事发展线索。 (二)说明文——条理性 了解主题明确条理是关键。认知过程从段落、分层次、 分要点等逐步展开。 (三)议论文——逻辑性 了解观点(论点)和论据(道理)。阐述观点,自圆其 说(正反双方),环环相扣,表达严谨。 (四)常见题材 社会生活、人物传记、科技文化、历史地理、政治经 济。平时要广闻博览、针对性阅读,丰富阅读面。 二、完形填空题目设计特点 (一)首句不设空 (二)上下文逻辑关系 完形填空不仅考察词汇、搭配、语法等独立知识,而 且还考察它们不同语境下构成的相应意义。做完形填空 试题时必须首先明确上下文的的逻辑关系和意义。 因果:as a result, consequently, thus, therefore, for this reason, for that reason, because of, on account of, so that, due to, owing to… 列举:for instance, for example, that is , namely, specifically, one example is , such as… 递进:not only…but also,,,. as well as, moreover, besides, and, neither…nor…, both…and… 比较:compare with / to, like, in the same way, similarly, unlike, as well as, by contrast… 对比:although, while, but, but at the same time, despite, even so, even though, for all that, however, in contrast, in spite of , nevertheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, regardless, still, though, yet… 转折:but, however, on the other hand, nevertheless, whereas, whereas, while, yet, still, although, even though, in spite of… 强调:indeed, certainly, above all, in addition, in fact, after all, especially, (in) particular (ly), it is true, of course… 条件:if, in case, suppose, provided that, as long as… 时间:after that, from now on, next, from then on, first, then, secondly, finally, former, previous, meantime, since, since then, after a while, soon, as soon as, before, earlier, until, immediately, in the past, lately, now , shortly, so far, when… 空间:over, above, inside, outside, beside, across, between, before, below, close to, in front of, in the center of, nearby, near to, on top of, on the other side, opposite to, to the east, to the left… 顺序:again, also, and, and then, besides, equally important, finally, first, further, further more, in addition, in the first p


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