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回报社会演讲稿 回报社会英语演讲稿 now,we are young,so ihope we can study hard.not in order to repay parents, not in order to repay the teacher, but in order to repay more and more peaple. 现在我们都还很年轻,多以我希望我们都能好好学习,不是为了报答老师,不是为了报答父母,而是为了报答更多更多的人。 during the summer vacation, i played five days in ceramics factory work, and i find a terrible things, later if i still to work to do that,it is too bad. not make the work into high and low, everyone in the society has contributed, only contribution to human is different , such as einstein and shichuanxiang, they both make contributions to society, but its contribution is different. ceramic export only earn a little money, and only to solve their own food and clothing. 在这个暑假我打了5天的工,发现了一件很可怕的事情,如果将来我还在打工就太糟糕了。不是把工作分成高低贵贱,每个人在为社会做贡献,只是贡献不同,就像时传祥和爱迪生,他们都在为社会做贡献,但是贡献却不同。we all hope that the people around because we exist and can be more happiness, but when we can only do something for our livelihood,and those unfortunate people were still suffer at thethe bottom in the social, they did not because the existence of you and be able to look at the sun, and when you also found this, you will be sorry. 我们都希望周围的人能够因为我们的存在而更加幸福,但当我们只能为自己的生计而奔波,社会上那些不幸的人仍然在社会底层挣扎,他们并没有因为你的存在而得以看看太阳,并且当你也发现这点,你就会更加难过。 therefore, in order to avoid the tragedy, when we will be able to change destiny, study hard, improve our own quality, improve our own cultural level, is not only for our future can well-fed glut, more important is to be able to do our best contribution in the society, to realize their own value. 所以为了避免悲剧,在我们能改变命运的时 候,努力学习,提高自身素质,提高自身文化水平,不仅仅是为了我们以后能够衣食无忧,更重要的是能够在社会上最大限度地贡献,能够实现自己的自身价值。 hope the workers’ work becouse us to be more easily and safely, social system can because of us to be more perfect, let more people enjoy freedom, equality, and enjoy life希望有一天工人们的工作能够因为我们更加安全、轻松,社会制度能够因为我们而更加完善,让更多的人享受到自由、平等,享受生活。 篇二:感恩父母,回报社会演讲稿 感恩父母,回报社会演讲稿 尊敬的各位领导,亲爱的同学们: 大家晚上好!我是08电工〈 〉班的×,我演讲的题目是《感恩父母,回报社会》 今晚我们因为感恩,相约桂南;因为感恩,让我站在这个绚丽多彩的舞台。感恩,就像空中盘旋的落叶,谱写着一曲


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