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战略人力资源管理 Strategic HRM Definition of Strategic HRM Strategic HRM refers to the linking of HRM with the organization’s strategic goals and objectives to improve business performance and gain or keep a competitive advantage. 战略人力资源管理是指把人力资源管理和组织的战略目标联系起来,从而提高组织绩效并获得或维持组织的竞争优势。 Role of HRM Main Content Participation in formulating a company’s strategies Strategic HR planning Selecting HR strategies Ethics in HRM Evaluating HR effectiveness Formulating a company’s overall strategic plan The company’s external opportunities and threats on one hand. 外部机会与威胁 The company’s internal strengths and weaknesses on the other. 内部实力的强与弱 Formulating a company’s overall strategic plan Environmental scanning;eg: USAir (新劳工合同以及员工同化的问题) Competitive intelligence;eg:顾客投诉,劳动法规、健康保险的相关信息 Information regarding the company’s internal strengths and weaknesses. eg: IBM收购莲花公司 案例:IBM收购莲花公司 1995年6月,IBM以35.3亿美元成功地收购莲花计算机发展公司,写下了现代商业史上极其精彩的一笔。有人形容IBM的收购计划为“如同时钟里发条与齿轮般的精确”。 莲花公司是仅次于微软、NOVELL的世界第三大计算机软件制造厂商,一旦IBM的收购引起莲花公司的反感,就有可能演化成一场旷日持久的、大伤元气的“官司”。 IBM在短短的一周之内实现了收购计划。这当中人力资源部门对公司自身的评估对收购决策起到了重要作用。 Strategic HR Planning HR Planning refers to the process of analyzing and identifying the need for and availability of human resources so that the organization can meet its objectives. 人力资源规划是指分析并确定组 织人力资源供应和需求状况的过 程,其目的是帮助实现组织的目 标。核心的是对组织内外部环境 的分析与评价以及对人力资源需 求与供应的预测。 Strategic HR Planning: steps Strategic HR Planning Scanning the external environment Assessing the internal workforce Forecasting HR supply and demand Managing HR surplus or shortage Selecting HR strategies No HR strategy is good or bad in and of itself. Rather, the success of HR strategies depends on the situation or context in which they are used. Fit leads to better performance, and lack of fit creates inconsistencies that reduce performance. Selecting HR strategies 案例:沃尔玛的成本领先战略 美国沃尔玛连锁店公司是世界上最大的连锁零售商,沃尔玛发展的一个重要原因是成功运用了成本领先战略。 为维持低成本的日常管理,沃尔玛在各个细小的环节上都实施节俭措施,如店铺装修尽量简洁、商品采用大包装、减少广告开支、鼓励员工为节省开支出谋划策等


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