Unit 3 Construction Project Planning工程项目计划.ppt

Unit 3 Construction Project Planning工程项目计划.ppt

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项目结构分解的级别 WBS最常见的形式是六级别: 总项目 单体项目 项目任务 子任务 工作包 作业层 2.1 工程项目系统分解与整合 Advantages and disadvantages of Gantt chart ◆Advantages *图形化概要,通用技术,易于理解; *中小型项目一般不超过30项活动; *有专业软件支持,无须担心复杂计算和分析。 ◆ Disadvantages *甘特图仅仅部分地反映了项目管理的三重约束(时间、成本和范围),因为它主要关注进度管理(时间); *软件的不足:尽管能够通过项目管理软件描绘出项目活动的内在关系,但是如果关系过多,纷繁芜杂的线图必将增加甘特图的阅读难度。 *不能表示活动间的逻辑关系。 双代号网络图 重庆大学城市科技学院 Text 重点句型(八) Moreover, Gantt Charts do not represent the size of a project or the relative size of work elements, therefore the magnitude of a behind-schedule condition is easily miscommunicated. 此外,甘特图并不代表项目或是工作内容的规模, 因此,工程延期的巨大影响很容易被错误传达。 重庆大学城市科技学院 Text 重点句型(九) If two projects are the same number of days behind schedule, the larger project has a larger impact on resource utilization, yet the Gantt does not represent this difference. 如果两个项目滞后相同时间,较大的项目对 于资源利用有更大影响,而甘特图并没有体 现这种差异。 重庆大学城市科技学院 Text 重点句型(十) In practice, many activities (especially summary elements) have front-loaded or back-loaded work plans, so a Gantt chart with percent-complete shading may actually miscommunicate the true schedule performance status. 而实践中,许多活动(尤其是主要部分) 有前置或后置的工作计划,因此带有已完成百 分比阴影的甘特图可能实际上无法显示真正的计 划进展状况。 重庆大学城市科技学院 Exercises A: 1、What is Project Planning? Project planning is part of project management, which relates to the use of schedules such as Gantt charts to plan and subsequently report progress within the project environment. 重庆大学城市科技学院 Exercises A: 2、What is a Gantt chart? What are the advantages and limitation of Gantt chart? A Gantt chart is a type of bar chart that illustrates a project schedule. Gantt charts illustrate the start and finish dates of the terminal elements and summary elements of a project. Terminal elements and summary elements comprise the work breakdown structure of the project. Some Gantt charts also show the dependency (i.e, precedence network) relationships between activities. Gantt charts can be used to show current schedule status using percen


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