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安全措施 CHAPTER SEVEN SAFETY MEASURES 所有进入施工现场人员必须佩戴安全帽,并穿软底绝缘胶鞋。 All men on construction site must wear safety helmets and isolation shoes with soft soles. 凡是需动用明火处,在一定范围内必须配备灭火器。 Where there’s fire needed, there are extinguishers in certain distance. And the extinguishers should be checked over by certain staff. 施工用的电动机械和设备均需接地,并安置漏电保护器。 All the electric machines and equipment must be ground connection, and the electric leakage protection equipment should should be installed. 电源线不得使用破损的和塑胶的。 No damaged wires and plastic cement ones. 高空作业时,地面设置警戒区,无关人员不得入内。 When working high, warning areas should be settled on ground. Unconcerned men shouldn’t enter. 特殊工种人员必须持有效证件上岗操作。 Special working staff must have valid operation license. 每天上岗前必须进行安全规范教育。 Education of safety regulations is necessary before working. 指挥人员应使用统一指挥信号,信号要明亮、准确。 Conductors should use the unified conducting signals. Keep the signals bright and accurate. 高空操作人员使用的工具及零配件等,应放在随身佩戴的工具袋内,不可随意向下丢掷。 The tools and other components used by those who work at high place ,should be put in the tool bags with workers. They can’t be thrown down at will. 高空拼装的操作工人其安全带必须扣在螺栓孔中。 To those who splice at high place, the safety belts should be embedded in bolt holes 在高空用气割或电焊切割时,应采取措施,防止火花落下伤人。 On gas welding or electric welding at high place , actions should be taken to prevent flashes from dropping down . 地面操作人员,应尽量避免在高空作业面的下方停留或通过,也不得在起重机的吊杆或正在吊装的构件下停留或通过。 Those who work on ground should avoid staying or passing the places under the overhead work site ,under the crane suspender or the being hoisted components. 构件安装后,必须检查连接质量,只有连接确实安全连接可靠,才能松钩或拆除临时固定工具。 After erecting the components , check the quality of connective place. Only after ensuring their security and reliability ,hook-loosening or tools-removing work may begin . 电焊机手把线要求质量良好,如有破皮情况,必须及时严密包扎。 Handle line of the welder machine must be of good quality ,Any place broken ,wrap it closely in time . 搬运氧气瓶时,应采取防震措施,不可向地上猛摔。 Shockproof actions must be taken when moving



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