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HART维护系统介绍 HART 概念 HART 通讯的优点 减少施工费用 提高测量精度 减少装置停车时间 减少维护费用 同HART仪表的连接方式 有四种同HART仪表的连接方式 用可以接收HART I/O 系统 HART 多路采集器 单通道的 HART modems 手持通讯器 275 HART HART采集器的结构 HART维护系统的主要部分 MTL4840HART采集系统 Hart 维护系统 非本安场所的应用 对于数量比较少的非本安装置MTL4841 和MTL4842 可以安装在一个 HMU 底板上. 本安场所的应用 对于数量比较少的IS装置MTL4841 和MTL4842 可以安装在一个 HMU 底板上. HART 底板和连接 HART 底板和连接 HART 底板和连接 HART 底板和连接 MTL4841通讯速率 波特率 MTL4841地址的设置 MTL4842地址的设置 MTL4841 数据采集 灵活的结构 What is HART HART is an acronym that stands for HIGHWAY ADDRESSABLE REMOTE TRANSDUCER. It is a protocol that was developed over in the late 1980’s by Fisher Rosemount to talk to their Smart Field devices. Over the years it has become a de facto standard for communicating with SMART devices in the Process industry. Over 100 manufacturers utilise the HART protocol in over 560different devices, from simple temperature transmitters to gas detectors. The HART protocol is a powerful communication technology used to realise the full potential of digital field devices. Whilst preserving the traditional 4-20mA signal, the HART protocol extends the system capabilities for two way digital communication with smart instruments. 10 Host system interfaces inclde Delta V etc. HART multiplexer allows AMS connection to any control system The modem allows connection to just one device at a time (maintenance shop) The 275 allows you store config information in 275 communicator from devices not yet connected to the network. And pass device info to and from AMS and keep all device records up to date. There are five basic building bloscks in the 4840 system. Starting at the top are the communicator - which relays all info back to the Instrument management system - can be multi communicators in a network The interface - does the hard work talking to up to 16 Hart devices and relaying message back to the communicator. The BPHM64 is the board that the two units above can sit on The General Purpose Hart Coonection Unit connects 16-32 devices back to t


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