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思考: 计算3*7,和129*5 在该域内的数值? * Illustrate how we can compute successive instances of GCD(a,b) = GCD(b,a mod b), example taken from text. Note this MUST always terminate since will eventually get a mod b = 0 (ie no remainder left). Answer is then the last non-zero value. In this case GCD(1970,1066)=2. * Example showing multiplication in GF(7), from Stallings Table 4.3b. * Polynomial arithmetic includes the operations of addition, subtraction, and multiplication, defined in the usual way, ie add or subtract corresponding coefficients, or multiply all terms by each other. The examples are from the text, with working in Stallings Figure 4.3. * Consider variant where now when computing value of each coefficient do the calculation modulo some value, usually a prime. If the coefficients are computed in a field (eg GF(p)), then division on the polynomials is possible, and we have a polynomial ring. Are most interested in using GF(2) - ie all coefficients are 0 or 1, and any addition/subtraction of coefficients is done mod 2 (ie 2x is the same as 0x!), which is just the common XOR function. * Example shows addition multiplication in GF(23) modulo (x3+x+1), from Stallings Table 4.6. 第四章 有限域 4.1 概念:群、环、域 群 环 域 群、环和域 (A1)加法的封闭性:如果说a和b属于S,则a+b属于S (A2) 加法的结合律:对S中的任意元素a,b,c,a+(b+c)=(a+b)+c (A3) 加法单位元:R中存在一个元素o,使得对于S中的任意元素a,有a+o=o+a=a (A4) 加法逆元:对于S中的任意元素a,S中一定存在一个元素-a,使得a+(-a)=(-a) +a=0 群(Group)的定义 设G是一个非空集合,并在G内定义了一种代数运算 “ 。”,若满足: A1: 封闭性。对任意 ,恒有 A2: 结合律。对任意 ,恒有 A3: G中存在一恒等元e,对任意 ,使 A4: 对任意 ,存在a的逆元 ,使 [A1-A4]:群 若加法,恒等元用0表示; 若为乘法,恒等元称为单位元 群可以记作{G, 。} (A5) 交换律:对于G中的任意元素a和b,有 [A1-A5]:可交换群 循环群 若由群G的一个生成元素g的幂次构成G群,即G={e,g,g2 ,…, gn}则称G为循环群。元素g称为G的生成元素。 e=g0 n阶循环群中,g生成了群G,或者说g是群G的生成元。记做G=g。 环(Ring)的定义 非空集合R中,若定义了两种代数运算加和乘,且满足: (M1) 乘法的封闭性:如果a和b属于R,则ab属于R (M2) 乘法的结合率:对于R中的任意元素a,b,c,有a(bc)=(ab)c (M3) 分配律:对于R中的任意元素a,b,c,有a(b+c)=ab+ac和(a+b)c=ac+bc [A1-M3]:环 (M4) 乘法交换律:对于R中的任意元素a和b,ab=ba [A1-M4]:可交换环 域(Field)的定义 (M5) 乘法单位元:对于F中的任意元素a,在F中存在一个元素i,使得ai=ia=a (M6) 无零因子:对于F中的元素


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