英语手机报 2010年4月18日——2010年4月24日.docx

 英语手机报 2010年4月18日——2010年4月24日.docx

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英语手机报英语新闻阅读文章整理2010年4月18日——2010年4月24日2011.04.18【心灵鸡汤】Speaking without thinking is shooting without taking aim.讲话不经过大脑犹如射击不对准目标。【环球趣图】Luxury smart toilet智能马桶引领厕所奢华Numi, Kohlers smart toilet set to debut at the end of the month, bringing a new level of luxury to the lavatory, USA Today reported Sunday. Sold for $6,300 each, the opulent appliance features hands-free motion sensors that open and close the lid, embedded deodorizers, a heated seat and foot warming system and even built-in speakers with pre-programmed radio stations. The luxury [toilet] market is coming back in America and remains very strong in other parts of the world, David Kohler, the companys president and chief operating officer, said.据《今日美国》17日报道,美国科勒公司研发出一种名为努米的智能马桶,将于月底上市,把厕所的奢华发挥到极致。这种马桶每个售价高达6300美元,装有传感器,使用者不用动手就可放下或掀起马桶盖,马桶内置除臭剂,马桶圈可自动加热,脚下还有加热系统。马桶甚至内置了扬声器,可播放预设电台的广播。据该公司总裁及首席营运官大卫·科勒表示,美国的奢华(盥洗室)市场正在复苏,且在世界其它地区势头强劲。lavatory[?l?v??t?ri][n.盥洗室,厕所]opulent[??pj?l?nt] [n.富裕的,充足的]【报刊选读】IPad blamed for unemployment美议员谴iPad推高失业率Congressman Jesse Jackson Jr. addressed the United Statess current unemployment crisis and claimed the iPad was probably responsible for eliminating thousands of American jobs, The Huffington Post reported Sunday. Jackson, himself an iPad owner, expanded on his statement by pointing to the recent bankruptcy of Borders Books. Why do you need to go to Borders anymore? Just buy an iPad and download your book, download your newspaper, download your magazine, the Congressman said. What becomes of bookstores and librarians and all of the jobs associated with paper? Well, in the not-too-distant future, such jobs simply wont exist.据美国《赫芬顿邮报》17日报道,美国国会议员小杰西·杰克逊称,美国目前面临严重的失业危机,而iPad平板电脑可能是导致成千上万美国人失业的罪魁祸首。杰克逊自己也有iPad,他通过美国大型连锁书店边界书店的倒闭进一步论证了自己的结论。你为什么还要去边界书店买书?买个iPad,下载你要的书、报纸和杂志,就万事大吉。书店、图书馆以及纸质出版相关的工作将何去何从?在不远的将来,这些工作都将不复存在。bankruptcy[n.破产]【口语练兵】本期我们看看股神巴菲特的十大致富秘籍都有哪些。交谈中聊到这些,会让人刮目相看哦。(1)Reinvest your profits. 把你现有的财富做再投资。Be willing to be different.要愿意与众不同。Never suck your thumb. (Buff


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