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澳洲签证邀请函 篇一:澳洲探亲签证邀请函 澳洲探亲签证邀请函 to whom it may concern: i am writing this letter to invite our/my parents (name and brith days) to visit us in australia this coming may for a period of () months. it goes without saying that we will cover all expenses during their visit in australia, which includes international air tickets, local transportation, accmodations, medical insurances and all other related expenses. your favourable consideration regarding their visa applications will be highly appreciated. if you have any question regarding this matter, please kindly contact me/us at the address above. sincerely, 篇二:澳大利亚旅游签证邀请函-英文 Invitation Letter November 30th, 2014 Name(邀请人的名字) xxxx, xxxx Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia Mobile: +61 XXXXXXXX Dear Sir or Madam: I am writing to confirm that we wish to invite my best friend XXXX to visit me in Sydney Australia for for their holiday. I hope will be able to come on 2014. I am an and in Sydney. My friend XXX resides inChina and is submitting application documents, along with this letter, to Visa office for processing. As the inviter, I have provided the required materials as well, in order to facilitate the processing. I hereby make it clear that I will be responsible for all the expenses during my friend travel and stay within Australia, including the transportation (both air ticket and local transportation costs), food and board, insurance, recreation, and other all related expenses. Should you require more information, please contact me through mobile or at the address. And our further personal details are attached (including passport, visa, bank statement, and property certificate). Yours Faithfully, (转 载 于:wWw.cssYQ.COm 书 业 网:澳洲签证邀请函) NAME(姓名) 签字 篇三:澳洲签证 探亲访友邀请函 澳大利亚.探亲、访友签证(广州领区) 特别提示:签证未有结果请不要出机票,否则一切后果由申请人自负,有结果之后,除护照外,其他所有递交资料均不退还,谢谢合作! 篇二: 安装造价员实习周记 安装造价员实习周记第一周周记到公司的第一天师傅问我在学校学了些什么,我一时竟不知怎么说。我跟师傅说学的挺广的,不过都不算怎么深入。师傅问我预算学得怎么样,我说没怎么深入,只是学的些基础。看来我得从头好好学习了。第一天,师傅拿了一套简单的建筑图纸给我


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