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Homework 1. Copy the vowels and the consonants. 2. Learn the tongue twister by heart. 三)音节的划分 1、确定音节个数 音节是词的构成单位。确定音节的个数有以下两种方法。(1)从单词拼写形式上看,有几个元字组就有几个音节 (特别说明:单独一个元音字母也可以构成一个音节;出现在词尾且不发音的e不能构成音节。) 元字组包括元音字母和元音字母组合。 元音字母:a,e,i,o,u,y (半元音,常位于辅音后) 元音字母组合:ai, al, ar, ay; ea, ee, ei, er, ew, ear; ie, ir; oa, oi, oo, or, ow, our; ur; name /neim/ card /ka:d/ (2)就语音形式而言,有几个元音音素就有几个音节 (特别说明:单独一个元音音素也可以构成一个音节;成音节不含元音音素。) table/teibl/ 英语单词有一个音节的,两个音节的,多个音节的。一个音节的叫单音节egg,两个音节的叫双音节词seven,三个音节及其以上的叫多音节词banana . * The First Lesson Why do we Chinese learn English? English is widely used in the world It has become an international language. It plays a more and more important part in the world in every field. With the development of society, the earth is smaller and smaller ,you can find English everywhere books,newspapers,songs ,ads are all written in English ,also make a round world trip,You can easily make yourself understood all over the world Find out the differences between chinese and English Expression: Chinese express the meaning ,(表意)English reprent sounds(表音) Form: 方块文字 四线三格 Order:Good morning, Helen. Sound : long or short sound How to study English well? To be active (in class activities). Each of the students will choose their own English name in order to practice English fluently. Listen to the teacher how to pronounce it watch the lips carefully.Pratice reading in a loud voice.To be brave (to speak, ask and answer). Shadowing(跟读) is good for improving your pronunciation,and repeat it continuously. To be careful (with your work).Practice the pronunciation looking in the mirror ,Keep practicing , you can become perfect Choose an English name for yourself. 你有英文名字吗?没有的话,可以选一个哦 Lucy Jenny Alan Jim Sally Gina Tony Tom Mary Linda Mike J


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