九年级英语上册课件:Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are (共38张PPT).ppt

 九年级英语上册课件:Unit 3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are (共38张PPT).ppt

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与本单元相关的看图作文常涉及问路和指路。首先,要看清图片,结合文字提示,了解图片所要传达的信息。根据线路图示编写对话或指路的时候,要明确问路人现在所处的地点及其目的地和所要经过的路线。然后,利用所学的相关句型,根据题目要求编写对话或者指路。 问路、指路时有时采用书信体或留言条的形式, 这时要注意书信和留言条的格式,不要忘记开头和结尾的礼貌用语,尽量采用所学的问路句型,路线要交代清楚。 常用的指路用语有: Go straight along…沿着……一直走。 Turn left/right.向左/右拐。 Go past…走过…… You can take a bus.你可以乘公交车。 It’s only five minutes’ walk.步行才五分钟。 It’s on your left/right.它在你的左/右边。 You won’t miss it.你不会错过它的。 用所给的选项补全短文 (北京中考)Peter lost his friend’s book.He felt very sad.Kate broke her mom’s favorite cup. 1  She was so sorry for her mistake.? We all make mistakes because we’re human.And it’s not always easy to get on well with everyone all the time.Sometimes we hurt people’s feelings although we don’t do it on purpose.Sometimes we hurt people’s feelings on purpose. 2  So we apologize(道歉).? An apology tells someone that we’re sorry for our mistakes.It’s a way to show that we’ll try to do better in future. A B 用所给的选项补全短文 Apologies are one of the tools to build good friendships and relationships.When you say “I’m sorry”,you probably feel bad because what you did or said hurt another person. 3 ,you’re also saying that you respect the other person,and care about his or her feelings.Apologizing shows you have empathy(同感).? After apologizing,you might feel a little better. 4  When you apologize in a caring way,you might feel good because you are trying to make things right again.? C E 【词汇积累】   purpose目的;目标  respect尊敬;尊重  friendship友谊;友情  caring表示或感到关怀或关心的                                 A.Then she cried. B.But we feel bad later. C.When you say “ I am sorry” D.And you want to return his book. E.The other person will probably feel better,too. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “ Impossible”. --Napoleon  凡是决心取得胜利的人是从来不说“不可能”的。 --拿破仑 * * *


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