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Standard: On completion of training, Reservations Sales Agent will be professional Opera system users, able to immediately access all reservation fields and report menus. They will be able to promptly locate and explain all fields in the guest reservation and be able to modify information as required using the menus. 标准: 预订部销售文员 将 能 很 熟 练 地 使 用 Opera 系 统 以 便 能 很 快 地 进 入 所 有 预 订 区 域 和 报 表 菜 单 。 预 订 部 销 售 文 员 应能 很 熟 练 地 并 非 常 迅 速 地 找 到 并 解 释 有 关 客 人 预 订 的 所 有 信 息 , 并 能 通 过 菜 单根 据 客人需 要 修 改 相关信 息。 Procedures: All Reservations Sales Agent will go through the basic and related training of Opera. The Shift Leader will be responsible for conducting daily/monthly on the job training. The Shift Leader will review and ensure that all Reservations Sales Agent are using the Training System in Opera properly and accurately. This includes: Log on/log off (F8 to log off/new user to log on) Locating and reading future availability (Control F3) Locating and reading details of the house status (Shift F3) Close out dates Locating a reservation by name, booking number and company name Group reservation templates Updating company and guest profiles Searching, screening and printing regularly required reports including arrivals, room nights by source, room nights by nationality, VIP arrivals, No-shows, etc. All Reservations Sales Agent will learn and be able to instantly recognize Opera terminology and codes for efficient information retrieval and accurate data input. When on duty, all reservation terminals will be logged onto the availability menu (when not in use) for inputting reservations in the “live” Opera system or to be immediately available to assist a reservation enquiry. 程序: 所有预 订 部 销 售 文 员 应了解所有与Opera 有关的知识。 预订部主管 将 负 责组织 每日,每 月的 所 有 预 订 部 销 售 文 员 工作培训,并确保预 订 部 销 售 文 员 能是在Opera培 训 系 统 中 作 练习这 将 包 括 : 更 换 使 用 者 (用 F8更 换 ) 找 到 将 来 可 出 租 房 数 ( Control F2)键 找 到 房 态 细 节 (Shift F3) 预 订 截 止 日 期 通 过 姓 名 、 预 订 确认 号 和 公 司 名 找 到 一 个 预 订



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