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I was at the bank I was standing in a line snaking around some tired velvet rope. A murderous knife Those purposeless days Carrie leads quite a busy life. 西雅图不眠夜 Sleepless Seatle scribble Vivid description 1. a man in a sweat-suit; 2. me; 3. the woman reading the Wall Street Journal; 4. the man scribbling a check; 5. white-haired lady Slinky as a toy slinky as adj. gratify intuitively … but it is one of those gratifying expressions that are intuitively understood by all human beings. Paraphrase: … but it is still one of the expressions that can be immediately understood by all people and give them pleasure. ……但它是一种让所有人凭直觉就能明白的、愉快的表达方式。 Make somebody uneasy: make somebody feel anxious that something may be wrong or there may be some danger. ﹡ Penetrate:see through understand Vt. be penetrated with discontent 深为不满 penetrate the mystery of 揭示...的秘密 The rain penetrated (through) our clothes. 雨水湿透了我们的衣服。 A smell of gunpowder penetrated the woods. 森林中弥漫着火药味。 Western ideas penetrate slowly through the East. 西方观念逐渐传入东方。 Text Analysis -PartⅡ Para.3-examples of space invasion Buses, elevators, theatres and many other similar places tend to reduce personal space. People routinely find themselves in such situations tend to have smaller personal space and more tolerance for space invasion. ﹡ Wedge: n. a wedge of cake 一块楔形蛋糕 vi. The box wont wedge into such a narrow space. 那盒无法塞进那么小的地方去。 wedge v. force into a narrow space; fix sth. in position by using a wedge or sth. Else 把门打开,用报纸抵住门让它开着。 Open the door and wedge it open with newspapers. 用一些纸片塞在桌脚, 那样它就不会摇晃了. Wedge pieces of paper in between the leg and the floor and it won’t be shaky any more. 我如果不在的话,把作业塞进门缝吧。 If I’m not in, wedge your homework under the door. zigzag adj. a zigzag line 一条锯齿形的线 A zigzag line is made up of a series of sharp turns to the right and left. zigzag reflection 多次反射 zigzag adv. The path ran zigzag up the hill. Vt. The office buildings were slightly zigzagged to fit available ground space


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