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如何提高手卫生的依从性? 充分利用院内局域网 1、把手卫生的学习课件发送到各科室的每一台电脑,在桌面建立一个快捷方式,方便阅览; 2、把洗手的指征和方法制成桌面; 3、把宣传手卫生的相关图片制成屏保。 如何提高手卫生的依从性? 将手卫生的推广纳入医院文化建设 在全院范围内开展关于手卫生的有奖征文活动 图片、标语、短语; 将优秀作品进行艺术装裱,设置在显眼位置: 电梯间、楼梯、走廊、医护办公室等 如何提高手卫生的依从性? 5 、硬件建设:提供便利设施 6、政策、法规、处罚 医院感染管理办法 卫生部与厅局的感控督查条款 医院内部督查要求 卫计委组织督查及改进 政策对感染控制的影响 政策起作用的特点 快速、直接 政策起作用的途径 经济损失 名誉损失 政策为我所用 学习、研究、改变、执行、推广政策 总结 观念可以转变, 习惯可以形成! 多到临床多走、多看、多查、多说,长期坚持,不懈努力,总会改变不良行为,总会让观念变成行动!关键还在于改变观念!需要不断地接受熏陶! 总结 感控不要停留在纸上,建峰院感人要勤动手,勤跑跑,勤沟通,为了让你我和病人的健康,在此请记住“手足口”! * * Normal Bacterial Skin Flora To understand the objectives of different approaches to hand cleansing, a knowledge of normal bacterial skin flora is essential. Normal human skin is colonized with bacteria; different areas of the body have varied total aerobic bacterial counts (e.g., 1 x 106 colony forming units (CFUs)/cm2 on the scalp, 5 x 105 CFUs/cm2 in the axilla, 4 x 104 CFUs/cm2 on the abdomen, and 1 x 104 CFUs/cm2 on the forearm) (13). Total bacterial counts on the hands of medical personnel have ranged from 3.9 x 104 to 4.6 x 106 (14--17). In 1938, bacteria recovered from the hands were divided into two categories: transient and resident (14). Transient flora, which colonize the superficial layers of the skin, are more amenable to removal by routine handwashing. They are often acquired by HCWs during direct contact with patients or contact with contaminated environmental surfaces within close proximity of the patient. Transient flora are the organisms most frequently associated with health-care--associated infections. Resident flora, which are attached to deeper layers of the skin, are more resistant to removal. In addition, resident flora (e.g., coagulase-negative staphylococci and diphtheroids) are less likely to be associated with such infections. The hands of HCWs may become persistently colonized with pathogenic flora (e.g., S. aureus), gram-negative bacilli, or yeast. Investigators have documented that, although the number of tra


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