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《新视野》第三册第四单元 Unit 4 Section A Five Famous Symbols of American Culture 1. Pre-reading 1.1 Background information The Statue of liberty: (配贴图) Facts about the Statue of Liberty Date Construction of the Statue began in France: 1875 Title of Statue: Liberty Enlightening the World Sculptor: Frederic Auguste Bartholdi Structural Engineer: Gustave Eiffel Method of Fabrication: Repousse Process Statue completed in Paris: June 1884 Statue presented to America by the people of France: July 4, 1884 Statue dismantled and shipped to US: Early 1885 1885 Transport Ship: French frigate Isere Number of individual pieces shipped to US: 350 Number of crates required: 214 Location of Statue: Liberty Island, formerly Bedloes Island and Fort Wood (fortress for protection of New York Harbor 1811) Reaction in Paris to Liberty leaving for New York: On July 4, 1889 , the American community in Paris offered the French people a gift of a bronze replica of the Statue of Liberty, 1/4 scale, about 35 feet high. It still stands now, on Ile des Cygnes an island in the Seine River, next to the Pont de Grenelle, a bridge crossing the Seine, 1.5 km downstrean (South) of the Eiffel Tower. Official accepting Statue on behalf of US: President Grover Cleveland Date of Acceptance by President: October 28, 1886 Barbie dolls(配贴图) American Gothic (美国哥特式) (配贴图) The Buffalo Nickel (野牛镍币) (配贴图) Uncle Sam (配贴图) :Symbols of U.S. Government: Uncle Sam, a figure symbolizing the United States, is portrayed as a tall, white-haired man with a goatee. He is often dressed in red, white, and blue, and wears a top hat. The exact origins of Uncle Sam as a symbol for the United States are unknown. But the most widely accepted theory is that Uncle Sam was named after Samuel Wilson. During the War of 1812, Samuel Wilson was a businessman from Troy, NY that supplied the U.S. Army with beef in barrels. The barrels were labeled U.S. When asked what the initials stood for, one of Wilsons workers said it stood fo



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