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Let me take you to walk into a romantic country ——France Why the country is so attractive ?let’s find the reason together This was the most surprising result, France is the most Visited Countries in the World with 75 million International visitors per year. With so many beautiful places to visit and a number of globally famous landmarks such as the Eiffel tower , no wonder that its a favourite. The location France is in the western of Europe French national flag three color represents liberty, equality and fraternity.(自由,平等,博爱) Four representative architecture 埃菲尔铁塔 (Eiffel Tower ) 卢浮宫 (The Louvre ) 巴黎圣母院 (Notre Dame de Paris ) 凯旋门 (The Arc de Triomphe ) The Eiffel Tower The Louvre The Arc de Triomphe French speciality Perfume Red Wine Bread ? The French have a long tradition and skills in the art of making perfumes. The birth place for French perfumes is in the Grasse. Among them the Chanel No. 5 is the most famous. The Wine can represent France more than everything .over 2,000 years of brewing experience .French have created unlimited joy and wealth. French bread , because the appearance is like a long stick, so commonly known as French sticks, is the world unique French hard bread. Unlike the soft bread , its skin and inside are very hard. Besides French stick , still have a kind of crescent type of bread. Thank you for watching Made by Alice(曾子霞) Blair(陈婉婷) Hard BG Victor(马轩) Nancy(向敏) Rita(朱君玉) Tim(张雄) * * The national flower MoonOrchid(鸾尾花) 法国四大标志性建筑 The French scenic spot ——The symbol of France Notre Dame de Paris A place that god lives in The art mecca *


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