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再说地层冻结法 ——纪念地层冻结法150周年 Some New Words On Ground Freezing Method ——in memory of 150th anniversary application of GFM 深圳市地铁集团有限公司 陈湘生博士 上海,05. 2012 CHEN Xiangsheng, Ph. D. Shenzhen Metro Co. (Group), Ltd. Shanghai, 05. 2012 目录 Contents 概述 Overview 地层冻结法关键要素 The key elements for GFM 人工冻土力学参数试验注意事项 The main points for tests of artificial frozen soil mechanical properties 地层冻胀融沉问题及对策 The countermeasure to ground freezing heave and thaw settlement 最新地层冻结案例 Some new cases interested of GFM 1.概述 Overview 追索求源 Originating 地层冻结法源于天然冻结现象。1850年代蒸汽压缩式冷冻机发明后,人类第一次使用地层冻结法是1862年在Wales基坑中;1880年德国工程师Poetch首先提出地层冻结法原理,并于1883年在德国阿尔巴里德煤矿成功地采用冻结工法建造103m深的竖井。我国第一次应用地层冻结法是1955年开滦煤矿林西风井(直径5m,冻深105m)。 Ground freezing method (GFM) originated from natural freezing phenomenon. It was the first time in 1862 that GFM was used in Wales foundation pit after invention of steam compression refrigerator in1850 s. The German engineer, Poetch, proposed first the principle of GFM in 1880, and then this method was successfully used in sinking a shaft in depth of 103m in Germanys coal mine in 1883. It was in 1955 that GFM was used in sinking Linxi air shaft (dia. 5m and frozen depth of 105 m) in Kailuan Coal Mine first in China. 1.概述 Overview (Cont.) 核心是把地层里的水变成冰 The key of GFM is to change the water in soil into ice. 地层冻结的核心是把地层里几乎“没有强度”的水变成“强度极高且可以粘结土颗粒”的冰,而且冰的强度和弹性模量随负温度降低而增大。由此可以根据对冻土结构要求而随时调节冻结温度来确保冻土结构的稳定。 The core of GFM is to change no strength of water the strata into ice of high strength and power bonding soil particle“. Moreover, both strength and elasticity modulus of ice increase with decrease in n


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