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绵阳雪花啤酒的网络营销策略 Abstract With the rapid development of the Internet provides a good platform to give full play on the many advantages of Internet business and marketing, network marketing is particularly critical for modern enterprises, but the overall state of the Chinese business network marketingcompared to developed countries in the world is still in a very low stage. Snow Breweries Company in Mianyang also fully recognize the importance of the Internet for business survival and business development, are taking the time to seize this emerging market entry point, and that is to promote enterprise development, and enhance the main way of the future competitive advantage. Therefore, widely used in network technology today, how to take full advantage of the characteristics of the Mianyang snow has been formed and has all the advantages have to take full advantage of network marketing, new marketing concepts and methods, integration of existing markets, marketing system, and many other resources, with minimal cost to the corporate level of marketing to enhance to new heights, breaking the traditional marketing model to obtain a competitive advantage and further expand the market share of the bottleneck, thus promoting sustainable enterprise development, and ultimately more than the other competitors and has achieved a leading position in the industry to meet the tough challenges, this is a problem worthy of further exploration. This article analyzed the current state of of Mianyang Snow Beer network marketing company network marketing strategy on this basis. Keywords: snow beer; the Mianyang Company; network marketing; strategy 目 录 1. 绪论 1 1.1研究背景和研究意义 1 1.2网络营销相关理论综述 3 2. 绵阳雪花啤酒公司网络营销现状分析 5 2.1啤酒消费品网络营销发展趋势 5 2.2 绵阳雪花啤酒公司网络营销现状 7 2.3 公司网络营销存在的主要问题 8 3. 绵阳雪花啤酒公司网络营销策略选择 8 3.1领导重视,组织领导予以保障 8 3.2思想动员,调动员工积极性 9 3.3开展培训,聘请网络营销专业管理团队 9 3.4组织机构改革,加强市场营销控制 10 4.结论 10 参考文献 11 致 谢 13 绪论 1.1研究背景和研究意义 从二十世纪九十年代开始,网络一经出现就如雨后春笋般不断地渗透到了世界各地的每个角落,并以


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