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全脊柱MRI在脊髓及椎体疾病诊断中的应用      [摘要] 目的 探讨全脊柱MRI技术诊断椎体及脊髓病变的临床应用价值,为临床诊断提供良好的影像资料。 方法 采用美国GE公司 Signa HDxt 3.0 T超导型MRI系统,专用8通道全脊柱相控阵线圈(CTL),自动移床和无缝拼接技术,对80例临床怀疑为脊柱及脊髓病变者进行全脊柱扫描成像,并对病变局部行高分辨率扫描。 结果 80例患者均清楚、直观、完整地显示椎管内全段脊髓、全部脊椎及附件的连续全脊柱 MRI 图像;80 例患者中, 全脊柱MRI显示正常16 例, 脊柱病变42 例, 脊髓病变22 例。 结论 全脊柱MRI明显缩短了检查时间,减轻了患者痛苦,图像显示清楚、定位准确,解决了大范围脊柱成像的难题,为脊柱、脊髓多发性和弥漫性病变的诊断提供了可靠依据。   [关键词] 磁共振成像;全脊柱;椎体;脊髓;图像拼接   [中图分类号] R445.2[文献标识码] A[文章编号] 1674-4721(2014)03(c)-0109-03      Application of whole spine MRI in the diagnosis of spinal cord and vertebral body disease   HE Wei-hong FAN Kun DENG Cheng-jian HU Kai   Department of Radiology,the Second Hospital Affiliated to University of South China,Hengyang 421001,China   [Abstract] Objective To investigate the clinical application value of whole spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique in the diagnosis of spinal cord and vertebral body disease and provide favorable image data for clinical diagnosis. Methods 80 patients who were suspected spinal cord and vertebral body disease were given whole spine MRI,even high resolution screening was performed in a local lesion and the screening was used by GE Signa HDxt 3.0 T superconductive MRI system,special eight channels of whole spine phased array coils with automatic moving table and seamless stitching technology. Results 80 patients were clearly,intuitively and completely displayed spinal intact spinal cord,all spine and accessory of continuous whole spine MRI image;in the 80 cases of whole spine MRI,the result displayed normal in 16 cases,vertebral column disorder in 42 cases, and spinal cord disease in 22 cases. Conclusion The whole spine MRI with clear imaging and accurate position and can greatly shorten scanning time,alleviate patient′s suffering and solve the problem of large range imaging of the spine.It provides a reliable foundation for the diagnosis of multiple and diffusive diseases in spine and spinal cord.   [Key words] Magnetic resonance imaging;Whole spine;Vertebra


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