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英文歌曲与英语语言学习 摘要:音乐智能主要指对于节奏、音调和旋律的感悟和直觉能力,以及用音乐表达思想感情的能力。音乐的生理和心理功能广泛应用于开发个体各种智能与潜能。青少年学生听觉敏锐,善于模仿,具有音乐的潜能。(檀传宝,P26-27,1993)因此,利用教材或课外的音乐资源,把音乐与教学内容有机地结合是培养学生音乐智能的主渠道。教学的方式有听主题音乐或背景音乐;唱与教材同步的英文歌曲或与生活联系密切的抒情歌曲。 ??? 研究表明,听歌会促进输入、内化和习得目的语;唱歌既可以提高音乐的理解力、增强节奏感,也可以学习语音、语法和句法,增加词汇量,还可以增强语感和语言文化的熏陶、激发学习英语的兴趣和动机。(胡蓉,P208,1998)适时地安排学生听、唱英文歌曲能够消除疲劳、活跃课堂学习气氛、增强团队凝聚力、提高认知与情感水平。 Abstract:The intelligence of the music means the feeling and intuitional ability to the rhythm, tone and melody, and the ability of showing the thoughts and feelings with the music. The physiological and psychological functions of the music are extensively used in developing various kinds of intelligence and potentiality of individuals. Teenager students have sharp sense of hearing, are good at imitating, and have potentiality of music. So, utilizing the teaching material or music resources, integrating the music and teaching content is the main way to train the musical intelligence of students. There are teaching ways of listening to the theme music or background music, singing the English songs which are in pace with teaching materials or the lyrical songs contacting closely with the life. ??? Study have shown that listening to the songs can promote the input, internalizing and acquisition of languages; singing songs help improve the comprehension of music, strengthen sense of rhythm, study pronunciation, grammar, sentence structure, increase the vocabulary, strengthen the edifying of language culture, excite interest and motive of studying English. Arranging the right time for student to listen or sing English songs can dispel the fatigue, enliven the learning atmosphere of class, strengthen the groups cohesiveness and improve the level of cognition and emotion.?? 关键词:英文歌曲 音乐智能英语教学兴趣Key Words:English songs?usical intelligence, English teaching, Interest. 目前,不少学生认为学英语很费功夫并且也很乏味,还有些学生对学习英语的重要性认识不够,认为英语可学可不学,所以大多数学生对英语不感兴趣。造成这种情况有种种因素,首先是大多数学生忽略了学习英语的重要性,没有明确的学习目的与动机,其次由于没有好的学习方法,致使长期学习效果不佳,另外还有一点


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