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论述:台湾历史与大陆对台政策演变 名称 ?? “台湾”一名系来自台湾西南部高山族的一支“台窝湾”人的简称,由族名成为当地地名,后来又扩大为全岛的名称。[1]? 在中国古代文献里,台湾被称为瀛洲、夷州、流求等。唐宋均为化外地;元在澎湖设巡检司,兼管台湾渔民;明为荷兰所占,明末郑成功收复,设东宁省及承天府;清郑氏,设台湾府及台厦道,是为台湾得名的开始,并正式称台湾岛,后改台厦道为台湾道;清末设台湾省,后为日据,仍称台湾;1945年收复,恢复台湾省,省名至今未变。 右图上方的繁体书写是正式书写,通常在正式场合中使用,如教科书、政府公文等,而下方的书写则多用于民间和媒体。 台湾自古是我国的领土,东汉称夷洲,隋时改称流求,明代又称北港、东蕃。元明设巡检司于澎湖,清康熙二十三年(1684年)置台湾府,隶属福建省。光绪十一年(1876年)建为台湾省。台湾一词最早见于官方文献的是明崇祯八年(1635年)何楷等人的奏疏中,从清初建府始一直沿用至今。 festival, summer food, children food special rectification, everywhere selling counterfeit and shoddy food and other illegal behavior severely, seized substandard food 400 kilograms, 1000 bottles of wine, false Right?? more than 8000 boxes, packing boxes of 15000 people, to ensure that the masses of consumer safety.To investigate and deal with commercial bribery, pyramid schemes, trademark infringement, false advertising and other illegal casesThis year, the County Bureau continue to control commercial bribery, blow from MLM, trademark infringement and false advertising as a priority among priorities of work. In the summary node basis last year working experience in commercial bribery governance experience, actively learn foreign advanced experience first, not related to the analysis of field research, how to expand the area of governance the domain problem, the management of commercial bribery work continuously to the breadth and depth of development. This year in March, the county bureau successfully dealt with a real estate service company limited commercial bribery bribery case, involving the value of 100 thousand yuan, and according to the order to stop the illegal act of the administrative punishment, fines at 70 thousand yuan; continue to fight pass The pin high pressure situation, actively create no MLM marketing community activities, focus on the pull the head team payment, charge entry fees and the door to provide convenient conditions such as illegal acts as a pyramid scheme. In January this year, 9 day, County Bureau jointly wi


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