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* * * * Our Picture of the UniverseThe Penalty of Death Our Picture of the Universe Lesson 11 The Penalty of Death ③ Deter To prevent or discourage from acting, as by means of fear or doubt:威吓:阻止或使不敢: “Does negotiated disarmament deter war?” “裁军协议能阻止战争吗?” Academic integrity alone will not deter plagiarism. Other measures are needed. 光靠学术上的诚信并不能制止抄袭之风,应该采取 其他措施。 The new alarm system will deter car thieves. Once he’s made a decision, nothing can deter him from doing it. Language Points — Words Phrases Grant 1. To agree or allow同意,答应 grant a request 同意要求 2. To give as a favor, or privilege:授予,给予,恩准 grant pardon 准予赦免 grant low-interest loans给予低息贷款 She was finally granted an exit visa. 终于得到了出境签证 grant usually implies that the giver is in a higher position, as one of authority, than the receiver and that he or she acts out of justice, mercy, or generosity. award suggest that what is granted is proper, merited, or appropriate: Granted (granting) that 假定,即使 Granted that Tom has enough money to buy the car, it doesn’t mean he’s going to do so. Take… for granted 认为…理所当然,想当然 to officially end a law, system etc, especially one that has existed for a long time 废除 Language Points — Words Phrases abolish There is still a long way to go before we abolish abuses of power in governments at all levels. 要彻底铲除各级政府机关滥用权利的现象还任重道远。 To abolish ageism in our culture will require both a lookback at our history and a change in our values. 为消除对老年人的歧视,我们需要追溯历史并改变价值观。 People Mentioned in the Text Aristotle (384-322 B.C) He was born in Stagira in north Greece, and trained first in medicine, and then in 367, he was sent to Athens to study Philosophy with Plato. He is said to have written 150 philosophical treatises. The 30 survive touch on an enormous range of philosop


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