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基于经济型永宏PLC的异形包装卷烟分拣打码线的设计 王晋冰 贵阳市烟草公司 卷烟配送中心 摘 要:按照国烟专[2010]324号《关于卷烟打码销售有关事项的通知》要求,卷烟销售必须打码到条。贵阳市卷烟配送中心作为32位码打码到条工作试点城市在2008年已经在正常卷烟分拣线上通过实施技术改造实现了正常卷烟与异形卷烟的32位打码到条工作。但随着产量增加,异型包装卷烟由于不能进入包装机需要作为独立波次进行拣选打码,占用标准84香烟分拣通道,降低整体分拣效率。 贵阳市卷烟配送中心基于对当时32位码打码到条实施经验以及编写异型包装卷烟分拣控制软件对订单信息进行剥离处理、制作控制回路,通过使用经济型永宏PLC以超低成本设计简易异型包装卷烟分拣打码线,实现整条异型烟分拣打码线成本在5千元以内。 使用该简易分拣线能将原来占用正常分拣通道的异型包装卷烟订单信息进行剥离,并实施单独进行分拣完成国家局要求32位码打码到条,每条电子标签分拣配货时间缩短2小时以上,使得整体分拣效率得以提升。 关键字:异型包装卷烟 32位打码到条 简易卷烟分拣线 卷烟配送 分拣控制程序 Sort Line Of Special Packaging Cigarette Base On Fatek MA PLC design Abstract:as Tobacco Monopoly Bureau of China file[2010] 324,the cigarette which be saled mast be print the code. Cigarette Distribution Centre of GuiYang has printed the code on the cigarette which be saled, within a normal cigarette sorting line through the implementation of technological transformation to realize the normal cigarette and special-shaped cigarette at 2008 already. As with the increased production, special-shaped packaging cigarette unable into the packaging machine needed as independent wave sorting code, occupation standard 84 cigarette sorting channel, reducing the overall efficiency of sorting. In this article we will discuss how based on time 32 bit code code to the implementation experience and preparation of special-shaped packaging cigarette sorting control software on the orders of information processing, production of peeling control loop, through the use of economic type of FATEK PLC with low cost and simple in design of special-shaped packaging cigarette sorting code line, achieve the entire shaped smoke sorting code line cost less than 5000 ChinaYuan. Using the simple sorting line formerly can be take the normal channel sorting packing cigarette order information stripped away, and the implementation of separate sorting completed to Print the code marking which Tobacco Monopoly Bureau asked to the strip,.each electronic tag order picking time shortens 2 hours or more, making the overall sortin


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