初中英语建构式生态课堂学习指导 答案p90二1.ppt

初中英语建构式生态课堂学习指导 答案p90二1.ppt

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P90二1.engineering 2.pilot 3.mankind 4.inventor 5.truly 6.flight 7.selected 8.licence 9.landed 10.proud pride 迁移运用一1.It’s reported that/ It’s said that 2.managed to catch 3. was warned to stay away 4.has been in the navy P91问题导学1. physics university mention contribution unique take sb to stage give a detailed introduction (adj) 注意: pay attention to details (n.) introduce (v.)—introduction (n.) P93二1.universities physics 2.invented mentioned 3.detailed 4.taken 任务型阅读: 1.每一个成功男人的背后都有一个女人 2.Most of American women wish to make their husbands and sons successful. 3.was started 4.Not nearly as far as I’m going to. 5.Women’s liberation in the USA P94 问题导学 1. mathematics Frenchman couple x-ray professor literature marry a Frenchman get married /be married for the discovery of/ because of the discovery of die in a traffic accident be unknown to humans save lives P96 一 1.Frenchman 2.unknown 3.couple 4.called 5.achievements 二. 1.the discovery of /discovering 2.got married 3.have you decided to write about 4.that was unknown to humans P96 迁移运用 1.Warsaw 2. 1877 3.send Barony money / help Barony 4.studied (science) 5.a poor life /a hard life 6.gratuated 7. twenty-eight / 28 8. killed 9.because of 10. twice P98 问题导学 sudden Indian religion the sudden death give up everything for others leave for India the youngest of three children of the family devote her life to caring for the poor P99 一.1.suddenly 2.Indians 3.oldest 4. admired 5. awarded 二. 1.will leave for 2. gives up everything for others 3.that /which is sold to you 4.moved to India 5.will be remembered for 注意:动身前往…出发去… leave for 把某物卖给某人 sell sth to sb sell sells selling sold sold * * *


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