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I don’t mind them. I can’t stand them. I don’t like them. 一些TV shows( 电视节目) talent show : 选秀节目/ 才艺表演(星光大道) talk show : 谈话节目 /脱口秀(鲁豫有约) sports show: 体育节目(球类比赛) game show: 游戏节目 mind:介意. 如:I don’t mind them.(我不介意它们) Stand:忍受,站立 (stood)如:I can’t stand them.(我不能容忍它们) 比一比:谁能更快更正确的说出下列单词 调查活动:4-6人一组,调查组员对几种电视节目所喜欢的程度。(说出每位组员对电视节目的喜爱程度至少要有2句话或2句以上) 如:I love news,I can’t stand talent shows. Wang Li loves talent shows and, she doesn’t mind news, she can’t stand talk shows. Summary :总结 1.单词: 2.句型: 练习 一:翻译下列短语 1.脱口秀 2.肥皂剧 3.游戏 节目 4.体育节目 5.选秀节目 6. 认为 二:根据首字母或中文提示写单词。 1. Is there any good (新闻) today? 2.I like (选秀) shows very much. 3.Do you (介意) I am open the door. 4.What do you t of the mews? 5.I can’t s the game shows. 6.I love s ,I think they can make me happy. 三:选择题. 1.I soap operas. They are boring. A: can’t stand B: like C: love D: stand 2.The sitcom is very interesting ,I it. A: like B: don’t like C: don’t mind D: can’t stand 3.A: What do you think of the new book? B: . A: Great ,I love it. B: Yes ,I don’t mind. C: Good, I can’t stand it. D: Good idea. 4.What he think of the game show? A: do B: does 5.Jim the new talent show. A: want to watch B: wants to watch C :want to watches 1.掌握 几种电视节目的名称和喜爱电视节目程度的单词 2.询问他人对电视节目的看法及表达对电视节目的喜爱程度.句型 : 1.What do you want to watch? 2.What do you think of talk shows? 答:I love them. I like them. 3.What do you want to watch? 4.Dp you want to just (只是) watch the talent shows? 2.I plan to (计划) watch TV tonight , do you want to join (加入) me? 1.Do you like to watch TV on weekends? Do you like to watch talent shows? What do you think of talent s


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