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A teaching plan speech for unit 9 Can you come to my party? Section B(2a-2e) 辉南八中姚春艳 I Analysis of the teaching material i) Status and function This unit features:This unit is aiming at talking about the Perfect Tense with the patterns of Can youcome to my party ? the fourth period serves as an invitation and reading part. The materials in reading are mostly from the recent real life and are familiar to students, so they are very interested in it. A series of questions and a big picture are used to attracts students’ attention. And listening and pairwork are also used in this perio This class features:是本单元,是本单元知识的课。本课时作为整个单元的,对学生提出了高要求,体现了“在用中学,在学中用,学了就用”的新课标理念,在教材中占有重要地位和作用。可以说,本课时是本单元的一个极其重要的课时。ii) Teaching aims and demands 根据《英语新课程标准》对八年级学生读的能力方面要求学生能连贯、流畅地朗读课文;?能从简单的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意;?能根据上下文猜测生词的意思;能读懂简单的个人信件;?掌握邀请 iii)Teaching keys a. New words and phrases   b. Sentence pattern: If- clause   c. improve their reading skills.Teaching difficulties a. Learn to make, accept and turn down an invitation.  b. Develop their communicative ability. Act out their own dialogue. II.Analysis of the students 学生是学习的主体,对学生情况的分析是教学工作的关键环节,学情分析也包括了两个方面:   1. The characteristics of the students of grade eight 八年级学生的特点:八年级学生经过一年多系统的英语学习,具备了一定的基础和听说能力,正逐步向读,写过渡,有了初步自主合作, 分析归纳的能力。并处于知识积累,前后知识衔接,培养良好的学习习惯的关键时期。大部分学生对英语有一定兴趣,但由于知识的安排由浅入深,有少数学生对这门学科产生了厌恶心理,消除学生厌学情绪,激发学习兴趣显得至关重要。   2. The characteristics of my students 我的教学对象是学生,英语基础,课堂上发言积极。因此,采用什么样的教学方法我面临的最大挑战。III.Teaching methods Teaching aids:A tape recorder and a computer。 teaching method: 1. Picture display method 2. The creation of Situational Method 3.?Stimulating method 4.?Method participation activities 5. Task based reading method Make the Ss the real masters in class while the teacher himself acts as the director and bring their ability into full play. design idea: the new curriculum advocates the Changes of Teachersr status ,they are Curriculum guides and participants. Therefore, flexibility in the use of the above me


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