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九年级. Period 1? SectionA Unit9教学设计 涡阳县丹城中心校 玄华 I. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects (1) Key Vocabulary: invent, scoop, adjustable, operate, remain, notice, produce, pleasant, (2) Target Language Who invented them? They were invented in 1863. 2. Ability Objects (1) Train the students to understand and use the new words in Piorid 1 of this unit. (2) Train the students to use The Passive Voice to express preferences. (3) Train the students’ listening skill. 3. Moral Objecs 1.Enable the students to use what they know to explain new words. 2.Enable the students to talk about different inventions around them. Ⅱ. Teaching Key Points 1.Key Vocabulary invent, scoop, adjustable, operate, remain, notice, produce, pleasant, 2. Target Language When was it invented? Who was it invented by? They were invented in 1863. What is it used for? Ⅲ. Teaching Difficult Points 1. The Passive Voice 2. The listening practice Ⅳ. Teaching Methods 1. Chain drill (ask and answer, repeat the sentences) 2. Pair works Ⅴ. Teaching Aids 1. PPT 2. The profound internet information。 VI the procedure of teaching Step I? Warm up 1.Greeting each other with students. 2.Talk about inventions around us. Step II Lead-in Use TTP to to help students to remember the following words.telephone , calculator ,car , personal computer ,TV,light bulb,alarm, clock,...... 2.Ask the students to explain the words above in their own words in Prorid 1 to know some new words Step III? Presentation Show PPT pictrues in 1a .Make conventions with studen Ask students to listen to 1b,check the answers,then ask ss to follow the tape,At last practice 1c. 3.Let ss listen to 2a with PPT and finish the task.Then listen to 2b, choose the cerrect answers,At last check the answers with the whole class. 4.Play the tape in 2a and 2b again,let ss read the convention aloud after it. 5.Key sentences. When was it invented? It was invented in 1863. Who was it invented by What are they used


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