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本资料来自于资源最齐全的21世纪教育网 Unit 5 What does he do? Read and write 东莞市万江实验小学 关则仙 六年级英语上册 pause (停顿) He is good at football,ping-pong and basketball. He is football,ping-pong and basketball. good at Which one is not true? She likes music. 2. She is good at singing. 3. She can dance well. 4. She is a singer. × Pre-reading 猜猜我笔友的哪个信息是不正确的。 a music teacher If you like music, if you can sing well. You can be a music teacher. dancer doctor factory worker teacher nurse farmer postman businessman police officer cleaner A game: Sharp eyes coach singer fisherman pilot scientist Guessing jobs. This man can play basketball well. What does he do? He is a basketball player. Pre-reading If you can play basketball well, you can be a basketball player. Guessing jobs. Mr Li can drive a plane. He likes flying in the sky. What does he do? He is a pilot. If you like flying in the sky, you can be a pilot. Guessing jobs. Mr Ma is good at football. He can play football well. What does he do? He is a coach. Pre-reading If you are good at football, You can be a coach. a football player. Guessing jobs. Andy likes singing very much. He can sing well. What does he do? He is a singer. Pre-reading If you can sing well, you can be a singer. What can you get from the picture? While-reading Predicting What do they want to be? Hu Bin wants to be a _____. Sarah wants to be a _____. Robin wants to be a _____. While-reading Skimming Tip: Read quickly and underline the key sentences. Listen and check your answers. While-reading Skimming Tip: Read quickly and underline the key sentences. Listen and check your answers. A sports reporter reports sport match. A weather reporter reports____________. weather While-reading Skimming Tip: Read quickly and underline the key sentences. A secretary can _____ quickly. type 秘书 While-reading √ Hobbies and jobs What is the title? 选择一个题目。 While-reading Scanning: read and fill. sports a gym using computers secretary an office science scientist Reading tip: r


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