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元宵节英语短信 篇一:元宵节的祝福中英文版1 元宵节的祝福中英文版 元宵节英语祝福短语:很快又是元宵节。 在这里先祝各位元宵节快乐喽!!在此,也与大家一起分享几句元宵节英语祝福短语。 Here I would like to share some text messages about Lantern Festival with you! 1. 元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐! 不知道各位过年过得如何,本人回了趟家,吃饭,走亲戚,总的来说不赖。现在又回到现实来了。还没从春节的那个劲缓过来,瞧,很快又是元宵节。 在这里先祝各位元宵节快乐喽!! I have no idea how my dear bloggers were doing during the Spring Festival Holiday. For me, it was not bad. I went home for the holiday when I got together with my family, visited my relatives. Now everything goes back to normal again. I am still working on dragging me out of that enjoyment of Spring Festival holiday, but look, Lantern Festival is just around the corner. Here on this occasion I first wish everyone happy Lantern Festival!!! 在此,也与大家一起分享几句元宵节英语祝福短语。 Here I would like to share some text messages about Lantern Festival with you! 1. 元宵节之际,祝你心中有首快乐的歌,新年快乐! Wishing you a merry song in your heart at Lantern Festival and blessings all year long! 2. 在元宵节来临之际,祝你平安,快乐,幸福。万事如意! Wishing you peace, joy and happiness and everything all the best through Lantern ! 3. 致以热烈的祝贺和良好的祝福,元宵节快乐! Warm greetings and best wishes for Lantern Festival! 4. 快乐的元宵之际,谨致我的想念与祝福。 Thinking of you and wish you a Happy Lantern Festival. 5. 元宵节转眼又到,快乐也到!我们向你及你的亲人们致以最美好的圣诞祝福,愿你在接下来的日子里事业兴旺,幸福美满! It seems that Lantern Festival is here once again, and it is time again to bring in happiness. We wish the merriest of Lantern Festival to you and your loved ones, and we wish you happiness and prosperity in the days ahead! 6. 愿你元宵节幸福无尽。 May Lantern Festival be filled with happiness for you. 篇二:Lantern festival元宵节 中英文介绍 Lantern festival:元宵节 中国的农历正月十五是春节的最后一天,叫元宵节,通常在阳历的二月。这天,家家户户都会准备一种用糯米做成的食物,北方人叫“元宵”,南方人叫“汤圆”。“元宵”是一种形似月亮的白色甜点,因为正月十五的晚上人们可以看到一轮明月挂在天上,这也是新的一年中的第一个满月。元宵节时,很多地方会举办各种灯会和烟花表演,人们可以欣赏到各式灯笼,并以猜灯谜的方式来度过春节的最后一天。 The 15th day of lunar January is the Chinese Lantern Festival. This usually falls in February in the solar calendar. On this day every family cooks sticky rice dumplings. They are called


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