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Previewing work: Exercise 4 on page 53. Fast reading para1???? ?? para2???????? para3????? ?? para4? ?? Para5?????? Do the exercise “into the text ” on the newspaper . Retelling the text paragraph by paragraph Para. 1 : a freezing cold day , Jiesang poachers, endangered animals , put down , more of them , shot and killed , give his life Para. 2 At the beginning of the twetieth century , By the 1990s , the wool , ideal coat A shawl , the profits , huge Para.3 Shoot whole herds of , skinned , on the spot , India , export , illegal , ban , Came into fashion , a police raid Para.4 The chinese government , Hoh Xil Nature Reserve , main habitat , caught , confiscated . Para.5 Win the battle, fallen , helped by volunteers , get tough with the dealers, Grow. Discussion : vocabulary : 1.endanger : vt. en+ n. e+adj. a raid on… take an active part in over the next ten years be ready for get tough with Do they have something in common ? The giant panda is an ________ species, it is in _______________ of becoming extinct . It is _________ for women to walk alone at night . Terrorism is a __________ to world peace . Struggle Struggle for sth . Struggle against Struggle to one’s feet Stand for : The letters USA stand for the United States of America. The teacher wouldn’t stand for such behavior . focus bring …. into focus =bring … to a focus focus one’s mind on focus sth on / upon sth . / sb. 联想: feed on Many sharks feed on fish and other sea animals . go for sb. 1. Shall I go fro a doctor ? 2. The dog went for the postman as soon as he opened the garden gate . 3. Go for him ! involve involve : vt African Elephant Golden Monkey Polar Bear The last one was shot by a French man. The last Asian Lion died in 1908. (中华白臀叶猴) 18th Century, 32 species?died out. 19th Century, 56 species died out. 20th Century,120 species died out. 21th Cent


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