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* Module 4 A Social Survey —My Neighbourhood Module Review Ⅰ. 单词串记(根据构词法完成下面空格) 1. v. +-ive→adj. attract (v. )吸引; 引起→_________(adj. )有吸引力的; 吸引人的 【类记】 act(v. )行动; 表现→______(adj. )积极的; 活跃的; 主动的 create(v. )创造; 创作→_______(adj. )创造性的 defend(v. )保卫; 防守→________(adj. )自卫的; 防御用的 addict(v. )使上瘾; 使沉溺→________(adj. )上瘾的 imagine(v. )想象→___________(adj. )想象的 attractive active creative defensive addictive imaginative 2. un-+adj. →adj. 反义词 employed(adj. )被雇用的→___________(adj. )失业的; 没有工作的 【类记】 official(adj. )官方的→_________(adj. )非官方的 finished(adj. )完成的→__________(adj. )未完成的 real(adj. )真实的→______(adj. )不真实的 healthy(adj. )健康的→_________(adj. )不健康的 comfortable(adj. )舒服的→_____________(adj. )不舒服的 unemployed unofficial unfinished unreal unhealthy uncomfortable Ⅱ. 连词成句(用本模块的词汇完成句子, 每空一词) 1. 一项近期的调查表明四分之一的当地劳动力没有工作。 A recent ______ shows that a quarter of the local workforce is ___________. 2. 对一些人来说, 高房租是致命的。 For some people, the ______ high ____ for the house is deadly. survey unemployed pretty rent 3. 幸运的是, 在我的家乡今天早上的交通很顺畅。 Fortunately, the ______ was very smooth in my _________ this morning. 4. 小女孩连一片面包都支付不起, 饿死了。 The little girl couldn’t ______ even a piece of bread and _______ to death. 5. 这个国家所拥有的具有吸引力的、迷人的风景每年都会吸引全世界的游客。 The _________ and __________ views in this country attract _______ all over the world every year. traffic hometown afford starved attractive fascinating tourists Ⅲ. 句式点拨 1. 这已经是他本周第五次上学迟到了。(True or False) This is the fifth time this week that he has been late for class. ( ) This was the fifth time this week that he has been late for class. ( ) 【思路点拨】 在“That/This/It is the first/second. . . time (that). . . ”中that从句用现在完成时; 在“This/That/It was the first/second. . . time (that). . . ”中that从句用过去完成时。 T F 【句式训练】 这已经是他第三次参加足球赛了。 It was the third time that he ha


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