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1. 我在这个城市住了不到一年。 I have been in this city for _____ _____ ___ _____. 2. 死伤者不少于五十人。 There were _____ _____ _____ 50 killed and wounded. 3. 这个城市人口超过一百万。 This city has a population of _____ _____ 1, 000, 000. less than a year no less than more than 4. 箱子里至多有五本书。 There are ____ ______ _____ five books in the case. 5. 金钱不过是我们的仆人。 Money is ____ ______ _____ our servant. not more than no more than 毫无疑问我们做得对。 他的诚实毫无疑问。 There is no doubt that we did the right thing. There is no doubt about / of his honesty. ___ ________ ________ we can get the first place in the competition. ___ ______ _______ ____ he will tell us the truth. 1. 我怀疑我们是否能在比赛中得第一。 2. 我不怀疑他会告诉我们真相。 I doubt whether I don’t doubt that 窃贼偷走了价值100万英磅的珠宝。 The thieves stole 1 million pounds’ ______ ____ _________. worth of jewellery 这栋房子值很多钱。 The house ____ _______ a lot of money. is worth 那本书不值得一读。 That book is not ______ ________. worth reading Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history. 普鲁士国王威廉一世绝不可能想到他送给俄罗斯人的最伟大的礼物会有这样一段离奇的历史。 * 人教课标 高一 必修 2 Unit 1 Only one passengers _________ the air-crash. survived Fortunately he survived the traffic accident. 2. 她丈夫去世后她又活了二十年。 She survived her husband by twenty years. 1. 幸运地是,他从车祸中幸存。 3. 洪水后极少有人生还。 Few survived after the flood. survivor (n.) 幸存者 survival (n.) 幸存 He bought me ___ _________ _________ _____ to ask me to marry him. (贵重的钻戒) a valuable diamond ring This dictionary is ____ ______ to you. value n. 价值,重要性 of value She went _____ _______ _____ a doctor for her sick boy. 她去为她生病的孩子找医生。 in search of The policeman _________ everyone ____ the lost diamond at the scene of crime. searched for 这台机器独特的设计可防止机器温度过高。The machine’s _______ _______ prevents it from overheating. unique design 这个房间是为孩子们设计的。 This room ____ _______


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