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海报制作过程中色彩的应用 摘要 电影海报作为电影的附属产品而诞生,但在长期的发展过程中,电影海报自身的艺术特性逐渐被发掘和展示出来。当今的电影海报已成为独立的艺术品种,在完成对电影的宣传广告作用的同时,它也成为电影艺术的一隅。在当代信息传播之下,电影海报里的色彩应用的设计具有了全新的手段,因此本文主要对其进行分析和探讨。海报设计师不仅要掌握电影海报色彩设计所具有的自然美、对比美、艺术美、节奏美、和谐美以及简约、明快的个性美,是其与其它包装类型共有的形式特征,还应研究电影海报的色彩特性,了解电影和文化背景的差异性,熟悉人们的色彩习惯和爱好,合理的运用色彩的情感知识以及色彩之间的组合关系可以为现代海报电影设计附加更深层次的含义,以满足千变万化的消费市场。电影海报本身是平面上的构成艺术,但是包装可以将历史、时空打碎了。用图像、符号、文字,用构图、色彩、造型及其它包装语言将其整合起来,使其给读者一种强烈的视觉冲击、新颖的视觉感受。 关键词:电影海报、色彩、艺术 Abstract Movie poster was born as a film of ancillary products, but in the long-term development process, artistic characteristics of movie poster itself is gradually explored and demonstrated. Todays movie poster art has become variety independent, upon completion of movie advertising effect at the same time, it has also become a film art. In the contemporary information communication, design and color application movie poster in with new tools, so this paper focuses on the analysis and discussion. Poster designers should not only master the movie poster color design has the natural beauty, artistic beauty, beauty, comparison of rhythm, harmony and simplicity, and lively personality, is it with other types of packing form shared characteristics, should also be color characteristics of movie posters, the difference solution of film and cultural background, people familiar with the color habits and hobbies, combination of reasonable relationship between the use of color and color design of emotional knowledge can be added deeper meaning to modern poster film, in order to meet the myriads of changes in the consumer market. Movie Poster itself is art on the plane, but the packaging can be broken history, time and space. Image, symbols, text, its integration with composition, color, shape and other packaging language, to give readers a strong visual impact, the new visual experience. Key words: Movie posters ; Color ; Art 目录 一、当代电影海报概述 1 (一)电影海报的定义 1 (二)电影海报的历史 1 1、电影的发展 1 2、中国电影的发展 2 3.海报设计中的色彩表现及意义 3 二、电影海报的功能 4 (一)电影海报的欣赏性 4 (二)电影海报艺术风


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