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小学英语方位介词讲解课件 篇一:小学英语介词和连词讲解 介词:prep. 表时间的介词口诀: 年月季节前用in, 日期星期要用on, 几月几号也用on, 上下午晚上又是in, 若是某天上下午,要用on来, 不用in. this/ that/ next/ last/every前不加介。 今 那天 下一 上一 at 时间真具体, 正午午夜到黎明。 noon night dawn 例子:in on at / 1. ___this morning 2. _in__2013 3. _in__summer 4. _in__May 5. _in__the morning 6. _on__Sundays 7. _on_ June, 4th 8. _on_the morning of July, 26th 9. _at_7:30pm 10._at__dawn 11. _/__ next week 12. _/_that year 地点介词: at---在小地点 at school in---在大地点或静止的地点 in Beijing on---在露天或平面的场所 on the farm on the Tianmen Square on the playground 方位介词:9个 in on under behind in front of 在前面 between next to near around in the front of 在前部 in在境内 on接壤 to 不相邻表方位 China is __on__the north of North Korea. Guangzhou is _in__the south of China . America is __to_ the east of China. 方式介词: by in with by---乘坐 by bike by train by bus by plane=by air in---用+ (原材料) with---用+(工具) 戴 带着 和….在一起 in ink in pencil =with a pen =with a pencil the girl with a pair of glasses He goes shopping with his mum. The teacher came in with a book. in特殊:in+颜色 (穿着) the boy in red 连词与并列句: conj. (and/ but/ or/ so/因此 所以 和、并且 但是 或者、否则 not only ….but also/both…and/ 不仅。。。而且两者都 then) 然后 1. 2. 3. My sister and I live in this room. I like coffee and milk. This morning I went to the park and I bought some vegetables. or--- 1. 2. 3. I don’t like coffee or juice. Which girl is taller, this one or that one? Don’t move, or I will shoot you. but--- They are twins. Lily likes singing, but Lucy likes dancing. so--- 注意: because 和so 不可以在一个句中出现。 Tom was ill, so he didnt go to school yesterday. =Because Tom was ill, he didn’t go to school yesterday. not only…but also…(前后的词一定要平衡) I am active. I am naughty. =I am not only active but also naughty. I like not only English but also math. I not only played ping pong ball but also swam this morning. both …and… 两者都(永远是复数) ---后面的词也得对等 I Both he and she are my friends . then---然后 We had lunch then we


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