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A story-The sofa 新华街小学 韩晋雪 Let’s play a guessing game. Pit and Pat are going to buy furniture, what do they need ?(Pit 和Pat要去买家具,你认为他们需要买什么?) gold coins A bag of gold coins 听录音,划出不懂的单词或者句子。 Task1: Listen to P1-P5 and fill in the table.(听录音,填表格) ( Sorry, I can’t give it to you. ( )OK. ( )How much is it? ( )Please give it to us. Here’s a bag of gold coins. Listen to the tape from picture6 to picture11 and answer the questions(听图 6至图11,回答问题): 1.What do they put on the sofa? 3.Do they like the sofa after a few days(几天之后)? 4.What do they want to do(他们决定怎么做)? Listen to p12-p18 and answer: At the shop, What do they want again(在商店,他们又想买什么)? Do they buy(买) it? Why? Check 你能续编故事吗? Homework Act out the story in your class; Make a new ending. * * How much is it? Things 5 gold coins A bag of gold coins. 2 4 1 3 排序。 Wednesday Tuesday Monday A book A pencil case A schoolbag 2.What happened?(发生了什么?) I can’t find my… Let’s take it back! *


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