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当前面既有肯定又有否定,或有两个谓语,或当对话中既有系动词又有实意动词的时候,只能用 so it is /was with sb. (也可以用 it is the same with sb.)。例如: He likes apples and he doesn’t go to school by bus. So it is with her. (或 It is the same with her.) I. 单词拼写 1. As far as I’m concerned, these indeed _________ (值得) our efforts and money. 2. It looks as if they are going to _______ (要价) us a lot of money for the concert hall. 3. She suffered a lot of _________ (身体的) pain because of the illness. deserve charge physical 4. We ______ (录取) the best and brightest international students into our top universities. 5. I’m short of money, and can’t afford a new car to ________ (替换) my old one. 6. Many small clubs have suffered financial losses recently, as they can not ________ (竞争) with the large ones. admit replace compete II. 选词填空。 1. as well as, may as well, as well ① Often life is much slower outside the big cities, as is true in other countries ________. ② We expect you to do the housework __________ looking after the children. ③ Since it is raining hard, you ____________ stay here. as well as well as may as well 2. take part in, join, attend ① Employees are expected and required to ________ team meetings. ② Any child wanting to ______ the after-school club should see Mrs Williams. ③ When he was young, he ____________ political activities. attend join took part in III. 单项填空。 1. I bought a dress for only 10 dollars in a sale; it was a real _____. A. exchange   B. bargain C. trade D. business 2. The brave man was greatly honored when the organizer announced, “You _____ a medal!” A. preserve B. expect C. deserve D. reserve 3. With the popularity of network, email has largely _______ the traditional letter. A. exchanged B. removed C. expanded D. replaced 4. The company provides a telephone service free of _____ charge and you can dial to find out how you should pay ____ charge for what you ordered. A. /; / B. /; a C. a; the D. /; the 5. — More than thirty


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