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Good question for Interview: Preliminary questions(初步的一些问题) Tell about yourself / describe your background?(请描述一些你的背景) What have you worked with in the past three years? 你过去三年的工作 Questions concerning. Your last job / your current position: 就你最后一份工作和当前的职位 Why did you leave your last job / why are you looking for new jobs? 为什么你会离开上一份工作/为什么你要寻找新的工作? What responsibilities did you have? 你有什么样的工作职责? What tasks did you have? 你有什么样的工作任务? Describe your greatest success in your past / present position (success story)? 描述一下你在过去或现在工作岗位中最大的成功(成功的故事) What tasks did you not want to work with? 你不希望接受什么样的工作任务? What tasks did you like best to work with? 你喜欢接受什么样的工作任务? What you learned most from in your previous job? 从以前的工作经历中你学到最多的是什么或者是最重要的是什么? How do you work under pressure? 你如何在压力下工作? In all positions / companies may cause conflicts / problems: 所在的位置/公司可能导致的冲突/问题 Can you give examples of: 你能举一个例子关于: - Situations(情况下) where cooperation(合作) was not working? - One or two tasks that you loosened a little unlucky? 一个或两个工作任务让你分担到一点不幸运。 - Decisions you took a little too fast? 做决定有点太突然? - A Friend, you had a bad relationship for? 面对朋友,可能出现很糟糕的关系? - A task / project you have not delivered on time? 一个工作或项目你无法按时交付结果? Which boss do you like best to work for (describe your ideal boss?) 什么样的老板让你喜欢为他工作?(请描述下你理想的老板) How do you feel about overtime? 关于加班你怎么看待? Questions about your personality: 关于你的品格的问题 What is characteristic of your personality? 你的个性特征是什么? What are your strengths? 你的优势是什么? What is your development pages (weaknesses)? 你的弱点是什么? What have you done to develop you the last three years? 在接下来的三年里你将做什么已发展自己。 What is your greatest strength? 你最大的长处(优势)是什么? What are you doing in your spare time? 在业余时间你一般都做什么? How would your friends describe you? 你的朋友怎么评价你? Questions concerning. The position it is about: 一些关于岗位的问题 Why have you applied for this particular position? 你为什么申请这个职位 Why should we hire you? (Give three good reasons). 为什么我们要雇用你(请给出三个好的理由) Why would yo


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