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Note-Writing 范文 Leaving a message 1. 开头交代时间、称呼。 2. 正文首先表明留言的原因(如对方不在家),对此表示遗憾。然后提出自己找对方的原因(如需要帮助、表示祝贺、看望等)。最后提出如有机会再次相见。 3. 落款格式:致敬、签名。 You visited your former teacher, Mrs. Zhang, but she was not at home. Write a note to show your appreciation for her constant encouragement in your high school English study. (Model Test) Sept. 29, (2009) Dear Mrs. Zhang, I came to see you this morning, but it was a great pity that you were not in. I’d want to tell you in person that I appreciated your help and constant encouragement in my high school English study very much. I would never have succeeded without our encouragement. And I’ll never forget your great help. Yours faithfully, Mary SAMPLE WRITING Sept. 29, (2009) Dr…., Upon receipt of this note, please go to Room 202, Foreign Guest House, where David Becker is seriously ill and in urgent need of your service. Immediate treatment is absolutely necessary. Be quick, and many thanks. Respectfully yours, (Signature) Sept. 29, (2009) Dear …, I will appreciate it if you can find time to see me in the very near future. I have something urgent to discuss with you. Please call, or come to see me as quickly as you can. Respectfully yours, (Signature) Sept. 29, (2009) Dear Lucy, I shall be grateful if you can find time to come to my place. I would like to hear your advice and suggestions for my holiday plan. Yours ever, Mary Asking for a leave 1. 便条开头交代时间、称呼。 2. 正文首先针对写明请假的原因,希望请假的具体时间、期限。对由此给对方带来的不便表示歉意。然后表示请假后会及时弥补,最后希望对方能够谅解并准许请假,表示感谢。语气一定要真诚、态度诚恳。 3. 落款格式:致敬、签名。 Sept. 29, (2009) Dear Prof. Wang, I am terribly sorry that I can’t come to class today, for I have caught a bad cold. Enclosed is a certificate from Doctor Li who advised that I’d better have a rest for 2 days. I guess my absence will not cause you any serious inconveniences. Sincerely yours, Wang Ping Sept. 29, (2009) Dear Sir, I am very sorry that I cannot come to the meeting this afternoon. Enclosed please find a certificate from my doctor stating that I mus


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